Day 15: Snowstorm

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I just want to say that my 10 year old sister who has watched about the first half of Grian's hermitcraft,. Basically came up with this idea because I let her, I have no clue how this relates to snowstorms, apparently it does... But... I'm not sure. Anyway, just warning you, it's… really weird… just… don't even question this… I had no input on the storyline.

Scar arrived at Grian's base, he pushed the snow that was all over the glass out of the way that had been dumped there by the giant Snowstorm. Scar noticed how the entrances to Grian's base were constantly open, letting in all the snow and wind and rain.

Scar gathered all the materials he could find and build Grian four redstone piston doors on each entrance. He left, not leaving a sign to tell Grian who did this, and went off to meet Cub at Concorp

(I myself do not know why Scar decided to do these things so don't ask me.)

Grian woke up to considerably less light than be was used to. He looked around to see that all four of the entrances to his base were completely closed off using spruce wood. Grian was confused, do he flew up to one of the entrances. He looked at the wood and got his axe, about to break it down, when he saw a button. Being Grian, he quickly pressed the button.

Grian was mesmerized by whoever did this' knowledge of the ability to create redstone doors as all four doors around his base were pulled open.

(Why would Grian be so surprised about redstone doors? I don't know.)

Grian rushed out of the doors tugging on his frost water boots and running out into the sea, the water freezing under his feet and snow falling sharply around him.

As he ran towards mumbo's base, he screamed out the lyrics to "let it go" running and sliding across the ice he had made around in circles.

"Grian?" Grian heard mumbo's voice as he walked out into the sea with his own frost walker.
"Oh hey Mumbo!" Grian said, smiling. Running over to his friend, who was wearing Giant winter clothes, he looked like he was wearing a blow up body suit.

"Grian! What are you wearing!? You look like your going to freeze to death!" Mumbo said. Grian looked down at himself to see that he was still wearing his pajamas. (Remember, not my idea!) And sighed.

"Oh. I guess I forgot to change in the excitement!" Grian said, being very optimistic about the situation, "I'm fine, however you look like s human hot air balloon."
I honestly have absolutely no clue what I just wrote...

That was SO WEIRD!!

I hope you enjoyed??


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