Wheat, Meanie bears and cake

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"My wheat!" Scar yelled, jumping down from Larry's shell onto the slime below and sprinting after the Jungler, who booked it into the trees.

"Get back here!" Scar yelled, chasing him up the hill behind Larry, he passed a parrot, who squawked in annoyance at the commotion.

Grian disappeared over the top of the hill and Scar assumed he was now running down it (when in fact grian had tripped on a root) so Scar ran after him.

Scar, (not seeing the root) tripped and fell over the top of the hill. He tumbled down and landed flat on his front on top of an unfortunate Grian who had just been standing up to continue running.

"Ack I'm so sorry!" Scar yelped, scrambling to get off of Grian and standing up, forgetting about the wheat.
"Are you ok?" Scar asked quickly, helping Grian up.

Grian just laughed, "I'm fine, you?"
"I'm good I think." Scar replied, smiling, "well see you later, also, keep that wheat, it'll regrow anyway."
"Yay thanks! I'll try not to take it all next time." Grian said with a mischievous smirk.

The pair parted ways, Scar heading back towards Larry and Grian going in the opposite direction towards Mumbo's base. But Scar had only just gone around the corner when he was faced with a pack of meanie Bears.

One of them, the one Scar recognised as the one he attacked in the forest, swiped at him, he yelled and stumbled backwards and pressed himself against the steep hill, shaking.


Grian heard Scar scream, it was usual, he heard it a lot being Scar's neighbour, but it felt different, that's what made him run back. He found Scar quickly, pressed up against a cliff-like hill, surrounded by the Pandas that Scar called “Meanie bears” Grian saw one swipe at Scar, who yelped and fell, a large cut across his face.

Scar whimpered, sat on the ground, his back pushed into the cliff, he lifted his hand gingerly to his face, it came away red which just scared Scar more.

As the panda went to swipe at him again its paw was met with a glowing blue sword, followed by someone wearing diamond armour, more than he could say for himself. He used his sword to wave the pandas away, until they gave up and retreated.

The person who saved him took their helmet off and turned to him quickly, running over, his floppy dirty blonde hair falling in his face as crouched next to Scar.
“Are you alright?” Grian asked frantically, worried about the cut on his face,
Scar looked up at him, he looked terrified and the cut on his face was bleeding badly, Grian nodded, understanding he needed help.

"I'm going to get you back to my hole, cone on " Grian said before scooping Scar up, bridal style and carrying him quickly into the jungle back in the direction of his base.


Grian burst through the open doors of his hobbit hole, he rushed Scar upstairs and placed him gently on Grian's bed. He ran to grab the first aid kit he kept in one of his chests, he was glad that he'd organised his chests this time.

He quickly used all the basic first aid knowledge he had to patch Scar up, once he was done he quickly took off his sweater, which was smeared with Scar's blood, though it was red, it still looked like he'd murdered someone.

He quickly dumped it in a barrel of clean water for it to soak through and went back to Scar, who had fallen asleep on Grian's bed, he put a blanket on top of him and went downstairs to make a cake for them when Scar woke up.


Scar woke up feeling slightly faint, his face hurt where he had been cut,
“Hello sleepyhead.” Grian said, putting down the book he had been reading. He stood up and walked over to the bed, Scar pushed himself up so he was sat.

“You know i had this horrible dream… I was attacked by meanie bears, they cut my face… i can still feel it hurting…” Scar said to Grian thoughtfully. Grian smiled.
“That actually happened Scar, you’ve been passed out on my bed for about 45 minutes.” Grian said, “I made cake.”
“I should be more careful out in that jungle then…” Scar said, looking out of Grian’s window at the jungle, then back at him, ”Can i have some?”
“Of course! I made it for us.”

Grian dragged Scar down the stairs to the kitchen, where the cake he had made was cooling  on the side.
Scar gasped, “You haven’t decorated it!”
“...I didn’t have time…”
“Can we do it together? I love decorating cake.” Scar said.
“Sure why not?” Grian said, beaming, Scar hugged him and they quickly got to work.

After an hour and a half they had decorated the cake beautifully, and took a slice. They were both covered in icing sugar and laughing so hard they might explode.
“I should probably head back home, it's getting late.” Scar said, brushing icing sugar off of his new wizard hat. Grian took a moment to wonder if he still had his cowboy hat, before nodding.
“Possibly, it’s getting dark out.” Grian said, Scar glanced out of the window with a fearful glance, he didn’t want to go out there in the dark with those meanie bears around.

“You could stay here, I think I have a spare bed somewhere.” Grian said, noticing Scar’s worried look. Scar smiled gratefully and nodded,
“Thank you… I don't wanna go out there again…” Scar said.
“Understandable.” Grain said, taking a blue dyed bed from a chest.

They headed up the staircase and into Grian’s bedroom, Grian put the bed down next to his and lay down on his own bed. Scar smiled, and lay down, pulling the blue covers up over his head, Grian chuckled lightly and fell asleep.


Sorry it's been so long, I've been working on something else that I will announce hopefully soon xD

Hope you like the first Scarian of S7 heh


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