What's wrong with Ren?

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Omg guys? We hit 11k reads! What the heck when did that happen!? Thank you guys so much!!

Also I wanna do something special for my 100th chapter and I had an idea but I can't remember it so any suggestions would be welcome lol.

Ren was relatively chill, most hermits had never heard him yell, he never really got overly frustrated, and he didn’t really reach high levels of “hyper” either, so naturally, when Scar and Grian came across him running at 100mph in circles chasing a random cat, of course they were confused.

“Ren-?” Grian said, upon seeing his friend going mad.
“Cat! Cat! Cat cat! Cat! Cat cat cat cat cat!” Ren yelled, chasing the poor cat, from what Grian could make out, it was a cat that looked similar to Jellie, Scar’s cat.
“...Is that Jellie??” Scar asked Grian quietly,
“I don’t think so, we left our cats at my base…” Grian whispered back.
“OK good… should we help the cat?” Scar asked.
“Yes, let’s help the cat before we help Ren.”

Scar ran forward and scooped up the cat as it ran towards him. The cat clung to him in fear. Ren acknowledged them for the first time.

“CAt!” Ren yelled, looking at him, “I want the cat!”
“Nope, you’re not having her, you’ve scared her enough.” Scar said, holding onto the cat.
“But- I’m not scaring her I wanna play! Cat!”
“Nope, Ren, what’s wrong with you?” Grian said,
“Cat!” Ren yelped.
“Right, come on Ren, We’re going to my base.” Scar said, “Grian take the cat.”

Grian took the cat carefully from Scar, and Scar took Rens shoulders firmly and lead him off, Grian followed, after releasing the cat once Ren was out of sight.

(At Scar’s base)

Scar sat Ren down on a chair, keeping his hands on his shoulders, Ren was literally quivering with excitement,
“Hey, Grian?” Scar said, looking over his shoulder.
“”YUp?” Grian replied, coming over.
“Could you get me a cup of warm milk or something?” Scar asked, “To calm him down?”
“Sure, Be right back.” Grian said, taking off with his elytra and flying back to his base.

“Ok, Ren, you need to calm down and tell me what’s happening.” Scar said,
“Cat!” Ren yelped, seeing a Jellie cat appear around the corner, he struggled in Scar’s grip to get to the cat.
“Damn Cub and his Jellie cloning, No! Ren! Bad Ren!” Scar said, as the Jellie clone ran off, ren whimpered and Scar realised something.
“...You’re acting like a dog!” Scar said, taking his hands off of Ren’s shoulders, He instantly got up and started running around Scar in circles.
“Hmmm…” Scar thought, “Ren, sit!” he said, Ren sat on the floor, looking disappointed, Scar giggled.
“Scar! I got the milk!” Grian yelled flying in, he put the bucket of milk on the floor, Ren instantly jumped up and started lapping it up.

Grian looked at him, confused, then he looked at Scar.
“Did you figure out what’s wrong with him?” Grian asked.
“Nope, but I know he’s acting like a puppy and it's weird.” Scar said.
“RIght… so, how do you look after a puppy then?” Grian asked.
“No clue, this is why I'm a cat person.” Scar said.
Grian grabbed a tennis ball he had in his pocket and Ren looked at it, thn started running around excitedly,
“Fetch!” Grian yelled, throwing the ball, Ren tan after it and caught it in his hands, he brought it back and dropped it at Grian’s feet. And looked expectantly at him.

After about an hour of throwing the ball for Ren, Grian was tired out, it seemed Ren was the same, Scar laughed as Grian flopped onto a sofa, Ren flopped on top of him, asleep with his head n Grian’s lap. Scar sat down next to them and ruffled Ren’s hair, his ears twitched happily.

Grian smiled sleepily at Scar, “Maybe i should get a dog…” He muttered, Scar smiled.
“You did a good job tiring him out, he looks like he would sleep through a volcano erupting.”
Grian nodded and yawned, and after a few minutes, he was fast asleep.


Ren woke up somewhere warm, there was sunlight on his face and something warm underneath him, he was confused, all he remembered was a bright blue light, then waking up here.

Ren sat up slowly, and opened his eyes, first he saw what he had been lying on, a sleeping Grian, he was confused, why was Grian in his base?

Next he noticed that they weren’t even in his base at all.the sunlight on his face was coming from a large rocky opening, leading out to the sea, strung with lanterns and fairy lights, he was in a small sandstone house dug into the rocky wall. He recognised the building as Scar's.

Next he saw Scar asleep on the sofa as well, he slowly stood up, so he didn’t wake them, and went to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate.

He walked back and prodded Grian on the cheek to wake him up, Grian stirred groggily,
“Five more minutes-” He said.
“I made you hot chocolate.” Ren said to him, Grian opened one eye and looked up at him.
“Really…?” Grian asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah, REaLlY.” Ren said, “Now get up and explain how the heck i got here.”
“Ooook then,” Grian said, sitting up and taking the mug, “But did you make any for Scar?”
“Yeah, it’s in the kitchen.” Ren said.
“Oh nice.” Grian said, turning to Scar, who was still sleeping.
“Should we wake him up?” Grian asked.
“Definitely.” Ren agreed.

Grian smirked, pulling out his phone, Ren looked over his shoulder as he flicked through his music playlist, he quickly found the song he was looking for and set his phone to full volume, he put it next to Scar and pressed play.

Scar jolted awake with a loud screech as “I'll Make a Man Out of you” played at full volume, Grian began laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe.
“That was priceless-” Grian laughed, “The look on your face!”
Scar took the phone and turned the volume down, but still keeping the music playing, he sighed.
“Why did you have to wake up before me? And why did you have to wake me up!?” Scar asked.
“Ren made us hot chocolate!” Grian said, giving Scar his mug, “Also I don't think he remembers what happened yesterday.”
“Hey im right here y’know?” Ren said, waving a hand in Grian’s face, “No I don't remember anything, someone tell me.”
“Oh, well uhh, you don't wanna know.” Scar said.
“Yes, I do.” Ren replied.
“He does.” Grian said, smiling at Scar innocently.
“You tell him then.” Scar smirked.
“No, you!”
“I gave you a potion that made you act like a puppy for the whole day and they were looking after you.” Cub said, falling from the roof of the cave.
“IT was YoU!?” Scar said, “he was terrorising a jellie cat!”
“Yes, it was me, and it was hilarious, now it’s you guy’s turn.” Cub said, throwing some potions at Grian and Scar.
“Gosh darn it.” Grian said, before they both blacked out for a second.

(5 minutes later.)

Scar hissed at Cub before running off along the rickety wooden path connecting the houses, followed by Grian, and soon, someone would find them lounging in the sunlight on the beach, enjoying the warmth of the sand. Both asleep cuddled up to each other, because cats could sleep forever.


Hehe I like this one.

Hope you enjoyed too!


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