The Sahara Street (+Scar) build off

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Grian put the last fence post on top of his tower was looked around. Pulling Iskall's "up house" down had taken a lot of effort, getting such a huge anvil heavy enough to pull his house down. He laughed and flew away, happy with his day's work.


Scar smirked, adding the last block on his laser, making it just two blocks higher than Grian's tower of houses. He quickly aimed it and fired, knocking the top part of the roof off of Grian's house. 

Scar laughed maniacally as he watched the tower smash into the wheat field like a javelin.

He hid inside of the rocket to watch Grian's reaction when he saw it. he sat there for hours waiting and ended up having a tea party with Jellie. 

He heard rockets and leapt up to the window. He saw Grian flying around the tower, landing in the top block and looking around. Soon after he heard footsteps on the top of his rocket, probably Grian checking out the laser.


Iskall sighed, looking at his beautiful build, dragged back down to earth.

"I guess it wasn't exactly fair…" 

Iskall set to work making his base taller again, adding a large aquarium around the house. He stood on top and quickly realised that his base was still just slightly shorter than Grian's.

Iskall couldn't think of how to extend his build, so he added the first thing he thought of, the empire state building. 


Grian looked at his beautiful base, the laser hitting into his tower had been a miner problem, he'd just built over it. 

He had managed to redirect the laser at Iskall's build and knock the top off of it, making him the tallest again, but it felt like time to talk to the other Hermits.


"Hey guys…" Grian said to Iskall and Scar, who were both standing outside of their houses. 

"Hey." Iskall said dryly.

"So umm…" Grian said, "I think we might need to… address some issues…  with this build war thing." 

"Some issues?" Iskall yelled, "You blasted off the top of my build! And dragged my beautiful house back down!" Iskall yelled.

"What?" Grian yelled back, "You went 70 blocks into the air! What was I supposed to do? And the laser was Scar's fault!"

"Hey!" Scar said, "I fired the laser but you didn't have to redirect it at Iskall! That was your fault! Plus, I remember a certain boulder squishing my flower!" 

"That-that was retaliation for blowing the roof off of my house!" Grian yelled back.

"Well yeah! Because I wanted to win! There aren't any rules! Maybe if you put some rules down this wouldn't happen!" 

"I'm not the one who should make the rules!" Grian yelled, "Iskall started it by building his house taller than mine!" 

"You're the one who had a problem with my house being a few blocks taller!" Iskall retaliated, "Also Scar's rocket is floating! Why didn't you do something about that??" 

"The bottom of Scars rocket is only like 10 blocks away from the ground! Plus he connected it up with that plant!" Grian said.

"Guys, I think, we just need to say a few rules." Scar said.

"You're right.* Grian said.

"How about, Winner is the first to reach build hight?"

"Or maybe we should end it when we all reach build height and decide who wins from there?" Scar suggested.

"That sounds good " said Grian, "also you're allowed to use any means to stop someone except blowing up their build."

*Seems fair.* Iskall agreed, "Scar?"

"Yup, that's fine with me." Scar said.

"Now if you'll excuse I have to go win a build off." Grian said, jumping up and flying into the air.


I hope you enjoyed this :)

The next chapter will be something different to these last two :)


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