Double Tag!?

567 9 35


Before we start I want to apologize for my lack of updates, I'm going to attempt to get back on top of doing the prompts, but I'm just not really feeling it right now, also some of the prompts are almost impossible for me to think of an idea fpr at least a good one.

Anyway now I've said that, I've been tagged twice, so here we go!


1: WindyHurricane_01

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1: WindyHurricane_01

2: 5th of April 2005 (05/04/2005)

3: Hard one, a tie between The Hobbit and The Hunger games (the first one)

4: i don't know music genres that well, but probably 80s (if that's a genre))

5: 5'3 (160cm) which is taller than I thought I was.

6: lemme just dive into my dream doc (where I write down my dreams) ok it's a long one

So me and a big group of people were playing hide and seek with this sort of teams idea (where we would hide in pairs), the first round I didn't know who my team was so I followed will (an irl friend) and this random person, we hid in a weird lava room that looked kinda like a nether fortress), we were found kinda quickly, the next round i hid somewhere else I don't remember, the third round Everyone (like 30+ people) hid in Snape's dungeon Because for some reason it was Harry potter now, I left the room for a reason I don't remember and I found will and a few more people, we were found in a bathroom (we were hiding in the bathtub) by prof McGonagall, who apparently was the seeker, for some reason we were allowed to keeo hiding so we did, we found dumbledore and he helped us by sending McGonagall to his office with a false lead then removing the stairs, I saw this from like a spectator view, Dumbledore then enchanted this hat that I had which looked like MrBeast's sunhat to find the others and gave it to me, I followed it to get back and it got stuck on a light so I knocked it down with a book that was on a table, at this point we were in my school.

I followed the hat back down to Snape's dungeon and some people took it to do some tests to see what country it was from (don't ask idk) I went into the dungeon but for some reason it wasn't a dungeon any more, it was a normal classroom and Everyone was having some sort of party, then I heard Mr nodes' (a teacher from my school) voice in the room yelling at us like "what are you doing here" etc. Everyone started screaming and we bolted, me and some other people went into the disabled bathroom down the hall, there were still loads of people screaming as they got caught, I tried to lock the door but i couldn't so I pushed my back against the door to keep it closed, then there was a final scream and the dream ended.

I honestly have no clue what this dream was lol.

7: at the moment it's still "Someone Named Xelqua"

8: I don't watch TV much so currently probably Blackadder (I've almost watched all of it already tho)

9: Quarantine is awesome.

10: triple chocolate chip or mint choc chip. Or maybe cookie dough.

11: I have a few:

Karma by AJR
Don't stop believing by Journey (?)
livin' on a prayer by Bon Jovi
Mr. brightside by The Killers
Hold on by Chord Overstreet.

I think that's it.

12: either night at the museum 2, the horrible histories movie or Pocahontas.

13: playing minecraft lol

14: Aries

15: I don't have one but this is the first thing that came to mind:

"Mistakes aren't what define us, but at this moment, when everything has gone wrong, this is what defines us, how we pick ourselves back up."
-Aphmau MCD

16: mini eggs or fruit pastels, for a chocolate bar definitely Galaxy Smooteh milk.

17: my bedroom with the door shut and the curtains closed, or in a tree alone where no-one can bother me, especially at night.

18: ack that's hard, I'll just say my favourite characters from different books:

Harry potter: Hermione
Hunger Games: Katniss
Shadowhunters: Keiran (I think that's spelt wrong) Isabelle and Jem (from teh three series)
Don't really have a favourite from the Hobbit.

19: hizenuxhudxh uhh-
Probably Jed and Octavius from NATM, or Hester from The Mortal Engines.

20: again I don't watch TV much so I don't have one.

I'll do tags for both at the end

Tag 2 electronic boogaloo.

I was tagged by Viola_halogen

1: online it's Ash, on the Hermittpad discord I'm also known as Aqua and Bread, my family call me K

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1: online it's Ash, on the Hermittpad discord I'm also known as Aqua and Bread, my family call me K.J, but that's about it.

2: brown

3: reddish brown

4: hh- i don't wanna talk about my eyesight again so,

I have weird mood swings, one minute I could be being adorable and uwu next I'm threatening to murder everyone in the most brutal way possible. Those are the two extremes, but there's also the "extremely Sarcastic and mean" mood.

5: hm- i like a lot of colours anything bright or rich except yellow and green.

6: hm- I don't have a specific favourite place, but somewhere I can picture in my head as a perfect place is in a forest by a river, where I can sit on a rock of a log and let my feet dangle in the water, idk but that's what I picture when I think of where I want to be.

7: my view of what falls under "celebrity" is kinda weird, but I'd say anyone who makes art, whatever type or has over 10m subs on YouTube, so using this boundary id probably say MrBeast on YouTube.

8: i answered that above :3

9: cats, wolves or horses.

10: again, answered above.

Tags (I'm just gonna tag 35 people and you can choose which one to do)

You three wanted to be tagged, I feel like these tags have already circulated a lot so I'm not going to tag anyone else.
I tag everyone else who wants to be tagged.

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