Hide and seek (Pt3)

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(a little while later)

Scar woke up slowly, he was in a room which smelt of earth and dust, his head throbbed painfully, Opening his eyes a tiny bit, all Scar could see for a moment was orange light, a second later he recognised it as torchlight, he winced, the light hurting his eyes, he could see the figure of someone bending over him, he quickly became aware of a hand on his shoulder.

Scar felt a jolt of panic, what if it was the vex? Or some other creature? He lashed out with his hands and feet, , he heard a loud oof sound and some shuffling.
“Hey hey, calm down, it’s ok, you’re safe.” Someone said, their voice was soft and comforting, Scar relaxed slightly, he stopped kicking out, realising that whoever this person was, they weren’t a threat.

A jolt of pain went through his head, he winced. he tried to sit up but his head felt heavy, the stranger put a hand on his shoulder.
“You took a bump to the head, you should stay lead down…” The stranger said, Scar tried to nod,
“Whe-” Scar started.
“Where are you?” The stranger asked, Scar nodded again, “To be honest, i don’t actually know, what were you doing anyway? In that mansion.”
“I- Lost, shelter…” Scar murmured, his head throbbing still, the stranger nodded.
“You took a bit of a beating, you’re lucky i found you.” He said,
“Who… who are you-?” Scar asked,
“Me?” Scar nodded, “Uhh, i was a scientist, i was investigating the woods when i got lost, now i’m here.”
“Do-do you have water…?” Scar asked, noticing now that the pain in his head was going slightly how dry his throat was, he must have been out for a while.
“Yes, you’ll have to sit up though,” The stranger said, Scar nodded and went to sit up before a sharp stab of pain went through his torso, he whimpered in pain and looked down to realise that his entire torso was bound in bandages.

“W-what h-happened to me?” He asked the stranger.
“I found you on the steps of the mansion, you were knocked out and there were cuts all over your arms and torso, i was hoping you could tell me what happened.” The stranger explained, moving to help him sit up against the wall of the cave.

Scar drank the water that the stranger gave him gratefully, the pain in his head slowly going away.
“So, what’s your name?” the stranger asked, “I’m Cub.”
“Scar.” Scar replied, “Thanks for- thanks for saving me, especially since you don’t know me…”
“I couldn’t just leave you there, now could i?” Cub said,

The two talked for a while, until they were talking like they'd known each other for years, they both sat up against the wall, until the temperature in the cave had dropped significantly.

Scar shivered, Cub noticed that he was cold and smiled,
"Y-yea…' Scar murmured. Cub nodded and stood up, looking in a chest. He grabbed a blanket and sat down again, throwing the blanket over him and Scar.
"Sorry I only have one. I wasn't expecting company.'
“It-it’s fine…” Scar snuggled up into the blanket, though he was still shivering, despite the blanket, he was still freezing.

Cub noticed that Scar was still cold and wrapped his arms carefully around him, Scar nestled his head into Cubs chest and fell asleep, just like that.

I don't have anything to say so hope you enjoyed baii


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