Absolutely Useless

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“You are absolutely useless.” Mumbo told Iskall with a playful glare, whilst iskall was staring at him, a look of surprise on his face, after he had gotten Stress to set the block on fire.
“I trusted you, I trusted you with the power to add new people and you failed me!” Mumbo continued with a small chuckle, Iskall hung his head and went to leave.

“I’ll just go then. I guess im u-initiated now…” He said, walking away.
“No! Nope! No-one can be uninitiated from heRmIt ChaLLenGes!” mumbo said. Iskall sighed and turned back.

“Ok, has everyone written their challenges?” Mumbo looked at Stress, who nodded quickly, he looked at iskall, who was about to put his paper into the dispenser, he walked over to him, “Iskall, do you know how to do this? You need to-”
“Yes I know! I’m not that stupid!” Iskall said, a slight annoyance in his tone.


Iskall couldn’t focus, he didn’t know what was wrong with him. He had tried to work on his omega tree base to take his mind off of the thoughts, but he kept placing blocks wrong or it just would refuse to look right.

“Eugghh!” Iskall groaned as he fell off of the ledge for the seventh time, throwing down his wood, he couldn’t do this, he needed to find something else he could do. 

He returned to his starter base, grabbing some materials, he decided to add some upgrades to his villager hall,


After two hours Iskall gave up on that too, he couldn't get it right, his redstone kept messing up, the villagers escaped once, he was forgetting stupid parts of the redstone.

Useless. That's what he was, mumbo's words echoed in his mind. absolutely Useless.

Iskall gripped a stone edge tightly, squeezing his eyes shut, trying not to let tears escape, he could still hear Mumbo's voice in his head, taunting him.

Eventually he couldn't stand it anymore, he covered his ears with his hands trying to block out mumbo's voice repeating the words over and over

Finally he collapsed onto the stone block, with tears running down his face, he curled up in a ball, hugging his knees to his chest.


"Iskall? Iskall are you here?" Iskall heard someone call, he buried his face in his knees, he didn't want them to see that he'd been crying if they found him, which he deemed unlikely, why would anyone look for him? He was useless.

"Iskall?" Someone said, a lot closer now, just around the corner from the small room he was in, Iskall curled himself more into the corner.

"Iskall- woah dude you don't look so good…" They said, stopping in the doorway, looking down at him. Iskall looked up at them, he could see Mumbo through his tears.
“Wh-what do you want…?” Iskall said shakily.
“I came to find you. People have been saying you’re overworking yourself, and I wanted to see what’s up.” Mumbo explained, coming over to Iskall and putting his arm around his friend’s shoulders, “So what’s up friend?”

“I’m useless…” Iskall whispered, “You were right, i can’t do anything right, i always m-mess up-”
“Iskall shut up.” Mumbo said, “You’re talking rubbish, you’re not useless.”
“B-but you said yourself-” Iskall said, looking up at Mumbo, disbelief in his eyes.
“It was a joke! I was joking with you Iskall, you’re not useless! You’re an amazing builder and an amazing redstoner!” Mumbo said, “You’re anything but useless. You might be a derp sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you’re absolutely useless.”
“Y-you really think that…?” Iskall asked.
“Y-yeah of course.” Mumbo said, putting his arms protectively around Iskall, resting his head on the Swede’s shoulder, Iskall put his arm around Mumbo, thankful for his friend.

“What do we do now? Just sit here?” Mumbo asked quietly, breaking the comfortable silence between them. Iskall chuckled.
“We could go prank Grian.”
Mumbo nodded with a smile, “Pranking Grian is always a good pastime, especially with your not-useless best friend.”
“Glad I can assist.” Iskall said, standing up, holding his hand out for mumbo to take.

Mumbo took his outstretched hand and was pulled up quickly. Iskall pulled him into a quick hug, before pulling something out of Mumbo’s pocket.
“You know what is useless?” Iskall asked,
“What did you take from me…?
“This. This is useless.” Iskall said, holding up a couple blocks of diorite, “This has no place in the world.”
“Oook then.” Mumbo said, watching as Iskall loaded the diorite into the incinerator, and grinned as he watched it burn.
“What a beautiful sight, come on, lets go.”


Hey look at that!
I'm still alive!
Who would've thought?
Yes, I'm very sorry about lack of updates, I have no idea why I'm updating so slowly, I just have very little motivation at the moment.

Buuut! Saying that, the Hermittpad Recap are going to be releasing a 30 day quarantine prompts list (or something like that) and I'm going to attempt to do that, so you might get daily or t least almost daily updates soon.

Also if anyone has any idea what I can do to celebrate 17k frickin reads (thank y'all so much btw) then that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for dealing with my laziness


#SmileForAzael (_Ash-Potato_)
Go give her some love <3

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