Day 4 : Corn maze

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No ship in this one,  uwu


Doc, Cleo and False stood outside of a corn maze, it was the biggest one Cleo could find after Joe had bet her she couldn't beat False at a maze.

Doc had tagged along after Ren and Grian peer pressured him into it, now all three of the bystanders were stood around, waiting for the race to begin. 

Joe called out a "go" as he started a timer and the three hermits dove into the corn, splitting off from the main path, each going in different directions.

Their goal was to reach the middle of the maze first, they each had a different coloured flare they could set off, so the hermits could know who finished first. 

In the maze itself, Cleo was running through the paths, turning corners and marking dead ends with a stick she had found near the beginning. 

False was already beginning to get frustrated with the maze. As she passed the same spot again, she decided to take it slower, moving more carefully through the corn walled paths.

Doc however, was going by the "stick to the left" principal, he so far hadn't gotten lost and thought he was making pretty good progress, though he wouldn't stop for a second.

"I bet five diamonds one of them will win in the next ten minutes." Grian said, looking at the entrance to the maze, it had already been twenty minutes and there had been no sign of the hermits within the maze.

"I bet ten they won't!" Ren chuckled, sitting down next to the blonde, Joe remained leaning on the fence, though he was watching the pair with interest.

"Ten it is then." Grian smiled, pulling the diamonds out of his pocket and putting them on the table, "Anything to add Joe?"

"I'll bet you three ender pearls, half a stack of steak and a bit of leather we'll be here until tomorrow." Joe said, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"I'm so gonna win this one!" Grian giggled, "They'll make it."

"Unless they don't." 

"They will."


Back in the maze, Doc was completely lost, he ha taken a wrong turn, getting turned around and how he couldn't remember which way he had come or which way he was going, still, he continued.

False was making progress, it was slow because of her carefully strategy, but she was slowly eliminating paths and making her way towards the middle.

Cleo was making the best progress of the three, she was being less careful than False, but more than Doc, she had found herself lost a few times, but she was still sure she was going in the right direction. 


an hour and 23 minute later, an orange flare went off, quickly followed by a yellow one and a green one, almost all in sync. 

"Cleo- False, and Doc?' Joe said, "They all finished at the same time?"

"Seems like it!" Grian chirped, still full of energy though they had been here around two hours now.

Ren checked his watch, a grin spreading across his face, "I win the bet!" 

Grian sighed and paid up, as did Joe, though Ren wasn't exactly happy with the pile of junk rather than diamonds.

(back in the maze)

"So uh-" Cleo looked around at the other two, "How do we get out of here?" 


Sorry this one is late, I finished it after my WiFi went off yesterday so I couldn't post it ;-;

Anyway, um, you may not get today's one because I have no clue what the prompt means... :(


hope you enjoyed!


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