Day 21: christmas cooking

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Scar's volcano no longer had a peak. It was also hurling out much more smoke than usual. A few hermits stood on the shore of the main island, Joe was busy writing what he was seeing and X had gotten a boat.

"I'm going to go over there, see what's going on." He said.
"No! It's too dangerous love! You'll die!" Stress said, grabbing his arm.
"Don't worry Stress! I'll be fine."
X jumped into his boat.
"Wait X look!" Stress yelled, pointing across the water at a boat, heading towards part of the shore a little ways down from where they were
"But there were three of them…" X said
"Yes look!" Stress pointed again but at another boat emerging from the smoke.p

-Twenty minutes earlier-

Grian Iskall and Scar were attempting to cook stuff for the Christmas buffet at the party in two days time.

Of course, this wasn't exactly going to go well. They had set up in Scar's volcano, as it was probably the warmest place on the server, however this was the thing that would go wrong for the trio.

Firstly, Scar had set up the smokers and furnaces on the large Island at the centre of his volcano, which was surrounded by bubbling lava.

He was waiting for Grian and Iskall to arrive. He heard rockets and looked up just to see Grian nosedive into the volcano. It would have been an amazing dive, had he not missed the island and nose dived right into the lava.

Grian tried to swim in lava.

Grian and Iskall finally managed to make it to the volcano without dying and they began to cook.

They had put a turkey into the oven and it was busy cooking along with two trays off cookies and, in the other oven, three large cake tins which were full of vanilla cake mix.

"Hey Scar!" Grian said, "what did the turkey say when it ate the cake?"
"I don't know Grian, what did the turkey say?" Scar replied.
"Gobble gobble gobble!" Grian said, laughing. Scar burst out laughing as well.
"That- that was so bad it was funny!" Scar said.
"Guys-" Iskall said, being promptly ignored by the two hermits who were both almost crying with laughter at Grian's terrible joke.
"That's what it was supposed to be!" Grian said between laughs.
"Guys!" Iskall said, sounding lightly more urgent and worried than before, again Being ignored.
"Well it was very effective!" Scar laughed.
"GUYS!" Iskall shouted, finally getting their attention.
"Yes Iskall?" Scar asked.
"You might want to take a look at this…"
He gestured at the lava, which was bubbling and rising.
"Oh shoot!" Scar yelled.
"What? What's going on??" Grian asked, The urgent and slightly scared tone in Scar's voice scared him a lot.
"It's going to erupt! We need to get out of here! Come on!" Scar took off running with the other two following after him.

"Get in the boat! Quick!" Scar saud shoving Grian and Iskall into the one boat that was pushed up against the island.
"What about you?" Grian said, taking hold of the oars.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, I just need to get another boat." Scar said, running off in the direction of his small hidden cave base.

Grian and Iskall got to the shore where they waited for Scar, who arrived about ten minutes later.

The three watched the volcano as it exploded, shooting out lava into the sky. The night sky was darkened further with clouds of black smoke, the sky was streaked with red and orange.

"So… do you think the turkey survived?" Grian asked.

Well... heh. Umm... I want to finish these but it'll probably take a few days after Christmas:)

I hope you enjoyed!


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