Day 25: Christmas Day

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Scar ran into Cubs bedroom and jumped up onto the bed, lighty shaking Cub's shoulder.
"Cub, Psst- Cub!" 

Cub didn't wake up, so Scar jumped on Cub.
"Wake up wake up!" He whined.
"Scar go back to sleep…" Cub mumbled, half asleep.
"I just can't!" Scar said, flipping backwards on top of Cub, "The sky's awake! So I'm awake! We have to Go!"
"Go by yourself!" Cub said, shoving Scar off of the bed into the floor.

Scar landed on the floor and looked up. He quickly stood up and back up got onto the bed. He shook Cub's shoulders again.
"Come on… do ya wanna build a snowman?" Scar said.
"Alright fine I'll get up as long as you don't sing." Cub said, pushing Scar back and sitting up, now they were face to face. Scar threw his arms around Cub, pushing him back down onto the bed in a huge hug.
"Woah Scar calm down!" Cub said, laughing and pushing Scar off of him.
"I can't be calm!" Scar yelled, "It's christmassss!"


"Ok ok you can open your present now!" Grian said, shoving a huge wrapped box in Scar's direction. Scar took the box and unwrapped it, under the paper was a cyan shulker box, which Scar opened carefully only to be swarmed by a bunch of wrapped packages which had seemingly been stuffed in there.

Scar started opening the packages one by one, equally happy every time. Soon enough Scar was surrounded by adorable little disney mini figures, plushies and posters.

“Oh Grian! You know me so well!” Scar said, hugging Grian.
“Oh wair! It;s not done yet!” Grian said, pulling out another big wrapped present from behind his back, handing it to Scar.
“More?” Scar asked, surprised, while taking the last present.
“Yup!” Grian said, “Open it open it!”
Scar tore off the wrapping paper to release a large Scar (From the lion king) plushie, Scar laughed and hugged it.
“Thank you so much Grian! This is the best!” Scar said, “Here’s my present for you.”
Scar handed Grian a box which turned out to be filled with chicken themed goodies.”
“What-what are you implying?” Grian asked jokingly, laughing, “I love them.”
“I’m glad.” Scar said, hugging Grian again.

“Cub’s turn!” they heard a swedish yell from outside. Grian jumped up to let them in and Iskall and Mumbo came into the large kitchen-diner of the concorp base carrying a giant box between them. They placed it down on the floor in front of Cub who was sat at a table with a slice of cake.

“Hey Cub are you not going to offer that cake out?” Scar asked.
“No?” Cub said.
Scar sighted, “Do you guys want some cake?”
“Yes please!” Grian piped up.

Scar cut a few pieces of cake while Cub started to open his present, The rapping paper fell off of the large box and Cub gasped.
“Oh wow guys.” Cub said, “I needed a new one of these!”
“What is it?” Asked Scar, handing a plate of cake to Grian and taking some for himself.
“Grian how dare you eat concorp cake!” Iskall yelled, “You traitor!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Scar asked.
“Don’t worry about him, you guys’ cake is the best.” Grian said to Scar.
“It’s nothing Scar.”
“What, Is, It?” Scar said, holding a frying pan he had pulled out of nowhere in Cubs direction.
“It’s just a new surveillance drone Scar, no need to get tangled up.” Cub said.
“That was a terrible pun.” Iskall said.
“No, it was beautiful.” Scar said.

Haha yes! It's done! I absolutely loved doing these but I'm also very glad they're over XD, now I can get back to writing people's requests and stuff I have to do for Happyhermitcraft xD.

Also I'm very annoyed with myself that I missed the deadline (25th December) by an hour and a half! I'm annoyed XD.

I hope you enjoyed!


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