Tangtho cuddles.

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I originally wrote this drabble for Saph a while ago and never posted it so I thought I should owo


Tango and Etho had been working tirelessly on the gaming district all day, It was now mid-afternoon and they had just about finished.

“Right I'm done.” Tango said, throwing down his shulker box and turning to the nether portal.

“Just like that? Not even a goodbye?” Etho replied, giving the other an amused look.

“Oh i’m not leaving,” Tango smirked, “Well I am, but you're coming with me.”

“Wha-” Was all Etho could manage before Tango grabbed his hand and dragged him off into the nether.

Tango dragged Etho all the way back to the tallers base, not letting go of his hand once the entire way. Etho let himself be pulled along, questioning what could have gotten into Tango.

“Why are we at my base-?” Etho questioned, though he never got an answer as Tango continued to drag him into the patchwork base, leading him straight to one of the small seating areas in the library and sitting down on one of the couches, pulling Etho with him.

“Ok-? So we’re here now?” Etho asked, hoping for an actual answer this time, a look of confusion on his face.

“Yep!” Tango said happily, pulling Etho into a hug, the taller smiled under his mask, wrapping an arm around Tango’s shoulders.

“Any particular reason?” Etho said quietly, nudging Tango over a little so he could sit comfortably on the couch.

“Nah- just wanted to spend more time with you!” Tango said, shifting to rest his head on Etho’s shoulder.

“Riiight-” Etho said with a smile, though his face was covered, the smile was evident in his tone, “So we’re just going to sit here?”

“Don't you know how cuddling works?” Tango asked, looking up at him.

“I- uh- assume you just cuddle each other?” 

“Yea- now shuddup and cuddle me.” Tango replied, poking Etho with a playful smile, Etho returned the look before wrapping his arms around Tango and leaning back on the couch, pulling the shorter hermit closer.

Tango snuggled up to him, resting his head back on Etho’s shoulder with a smile, Etho reached over to ruffle the others hair, resulting in a giggle.

“Hang on, I think i have a blanket somewhere.” Etho said, reaching behind the couch and pulling out a dark blue fluffy blanket, Tango’s eyes visibly brightened as Etho threw the blanket over them.

Snuggling up into the blanket, Tango nuzzled his face into Etho’s shoulder, Etho blushed, he wasn’t used to this sort of thing, Tango had never done this before, and neither had anyone else really.

“You ok?” Tango asked, snapping Etho out of his thoughts, “You look sick-”

“Wha- oh- im fine- fine.” Etho said, unable to hide his flustered tone as he tripped over his words.

Tango giggled, picking up on it, though not teasing, luckily for Etho, he just shuffled closer happily continuing the slightly one sided, though Etho was trying his best, cuddling. 

They lay there cuddling together on the couch long after the sun had set over the jungle and nighttime had fallen over hermitcraft, as it started to get a little colder out, Tango was happy to simply huddle up closer to Etho, pulling the blanket closer around them.

Etho had his arms around Tango, holding him close as the smaller hermit slowly began to fall asleep with his head buried in Etho's chest.

He was enjoying this unusual happening more than he thought he would have when tango first hugged him earlier that day, but now, looking down at the sleeping blonde, he was happy to be here. 


sorry for being so bad at updating this book, kinda been focusing on the magicverse (hidden magic universe) Because I've been really into it, I also have like 5 unfinished oneshots that I need to write so hopefully I can do some of those xD

anyway hope you enjoyed the floof


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