This is serious, please read.

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but please keep reading, Because it is important and I honestly can't stress that enough.

first off, #NeverForget

if you didn't know, which honestly, you probably did, since this is everywhere in hermittpad, Coolrena died a week ago, the recap sent out a message today, as a recap member I honestly don't know why it took so long to address, but it did, please don't go and hate on the recap because of this.

I regret not saying something to Rena, I really do, honestly, maybe I could have made a difference, maybe it wouldn't have mattered, there are so many things I should have said that I didn't.

I wasn't close to Rena, not at all, sure, I did some roleplay with her, and trust me, the roleplay will never be the same without her, but I haven't talked to her as much outside of roleplay, nor did I read much of her content, I should have done, I regret not, I know I can still read her content, and I'll try to, but I can't talk to her now, she was amazing to talk to, I wish I had got to do it more.

I found out a few hours after her announcement what had happened, I wish I had been there earlier.

we cannot change the past, but we can use it to be better in the future.


This is something that happened to me soon after the recap posted the announcement.

Someone (I'm not naming the name here) on a discord server, got somewhat angry at everyone collectively who didn't say anything, this group includes me.

they said that it wasn't difficult to leave a small message. this was my reply:

"maybe It's not hard, but sometimes it's hard to think of those few words, and if you're Someone like you maybe that comes easy, if you're Someone like me you'll spend hours writing a 500 word chapter about it to help people, which by the way I did when someone else in the community was planning to attempt, I should have done it again, thinking about it, but sometimes it's hard to think like a short six words, sometimes you feel like six words wouldn't help so you don't say anything,sorry if I upset you by not being there quick enough and not knowing what to say, now I've said my piece goodbye."

I told Hapy about it and they said this:

"I know how it feels to panic and freak out over a bad situation and it's not your fault for not knowing what to say. I've had my rounds with dealing with suicidal people and it's extremely awkward to start out the conversation and it also gets more and more awkward because you're basically just walking on eggshells and you gotta be careful of the shit you have to say. Just send -- a screenshot of this or copy and paste and just walk away because it's not her place to guilt trip y'all for taking the safe route and running. I know sometimes just saying anything could help, but swamping a person with love and support could make them not truly believe it and that's why it's safer to not say anything.
Unless you know you can do something that is, but if you're panicking about it then just walk away"


I want to say how much I appreciate hapyhappiness 's general existence right now (and a hecking lot of other times as well), this all happened about an hour and a half ago, a bit more, I would probably still be as upset as I was if it wasn't for them, so thank you Hapy :)


and, the final thing I wanted to say.

I've copy-pasted this from some of my older books, rewritten, removed, added and tweaked some of the things I said.

I just wanted to let everyone know that no matter how bad you feel, even if you feel that you're worthless and that the world would be better off without you. Even if you're put down every day by the people who are supposed to love you, even if your bullied and hurt mentally or physically, I promise you,

There are people who do care.
Even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes.
There is always someone.

I hate that people feel like this and I'm no good at expressing it in words, but you're not worthless, you are not nothing, you are an amazing human being who deserves to be alive as much as anyone. And this applies to everyone.

I am honestly terrible at helping people with feelings, I always get very awkward in these sorts of situations, but seriously, if you, or someone around you, is struggling with this sort of mental health problem, please help them, do your best to reassure them that they have so much to live for.

I read what someone said in another comment, which was that 'suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

And if you can't think that you have worth, then please, think of what it will do to the people around you, even if you think they don't care. Last year, someone in my school tried to commit suicide, I could see how effected that everyone was because of this, I couldn't even imagine what would happen to those people if he had managed to jump before he was stopped-

So please for the love of everything, don't do this to yourself, and if that isn't enough, don't do it for the sake of all the people around you.

I know that a lot of people, similar to me, who's worst worry was that they only got half marks on an English essay, but these people, me included, are no different from those who are struggling to get through life. No matter where you are on this scale, do what you can to help others, or help yourself.

Thank you to those of you who took the time to read this, I want you to know that I'm here if you want to talk (but there's no telling how helpful I would be)

Please spread the word about this and get more people to help those who need it.


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