This weird thing we did.

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So basically, me and Viola did this thing where we take turns saying a sentence of a story, with no prompt or anything.



Once upon a time Grian lead face down on the floor.

Mumbo Walked into the room and stared at him without announcing his presence.

Grian heard mumbo breathing and stood up and walked around like a chicken, pretending not to notice mumbo.

Mumbo cleared his throat and Grian jumped so high he banged his head on the ceiling.

Grian fell on the floor because his head hurt and Mumbo ran over and hugged him.

Mumbo called the doctor who happened to be Stress who was hyper.

Because Stress was so hyper she was just bouncing around the walls being no help at all, then Grian turned into a potato.

Then Mumbo built a slime rocket and used it to go to the moon.

Grian the potato jumped onto the rocket at the last minute and went to the moon with him.

On the moon they discovered a new species of cow, then Grian and Mumbo had an argument about what they should name it.

Mumbo decided to take Grian and the cow back in his rocket to Hermitcraft where Xisuma decided to name the cow Xisumacow.

Then Cub and Scar showed up and stole the cow and hid it in Concorp.

Grian after being turned back from a potato started a search party for the cow.

The search party consisted of False, Jevin and Keralis and on the way they fell into the mouth of an active volcano.

After mourning these tragic deaths Scar realised it was his volcano and put up a barricade so no-one could fall in it.

Meanwhile, Ren, being broke, decided to rent out rooms in False’s old place to get diamonds.

Due to the fact that they were actually in minecraft, False, Jevin and Keralis respawned and False was mad at Ren for renting out her base.

Ren yelled “IT WASN’T ME IT WAS THE MAN IN THE CHICKEN COSTUME” Then promptly flew to Jupiter.

Grian then yelled, “BUT IT WASN’T ME” then flew off because he was confused since he wasn’t the chicken man.

Meanwhile Cub was having a tea party with Joe Hills.

At the tea party Cub actually served Joe tea that made him 3 inches tall.

Joe ran around on the floor yelling something about road lizards before cleo picked him up, this made joe sad.

After seeing that Joe was sad Cleo put him in her pocket and went sailing with him.

Welsknight snuck aboard the ship and was for some reason also 3 inches tall.

Cleo somehow managed to spot the stowaway and then Joe held hands with him.

Their ship landed in another universe where there was a zombie apocalypse.

As Cleo was a zombie she was absolutely fine so she kept Joe and wels in her pocket to keep them safe.

Then one day Doc appeared and while Joe and Wels were tiny, Doc was a giant.

Cleo found out that Cub had given them all spiked tea and rigged her ship to travel to another universe.

Cleo was angry so she murdered Cub.

Again, this is minecraft so Cub just came back and murdered Cleo instead.

Then Cleo murdered Cub again.

And thus, the endless cycle began. The end.


Yeah honestly I have no idea what this was .

If you're curious I did the first sentence, viola did the second etc

I hope you enjoyed...?


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