Helsknight pt 2

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Hels walked with EX through the new nether, they had barely gotten out before it had been reset, that would have been the end of them, but they had had a tipoff from BadTimesWithScar that the hermits were resetting it and the pair had gotten safely out.

“What's that? What is that?” Hels asked, pointing at all the new blocks.

“Aren’t you from the nether?” EX asked, turning to the knight, “I am as clueless as you are to what all this stuff is.

“Well I don't know! The nether wasn’t like this before!” Hels said, sitting down next to a lava stream, his legs dangling precariously over the edge of the cliff.

“Don’t fall, your name will come up in chat.” EX warned, sitting down next to him.

“Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for you if I was to push you in-” Hels said, smirking a little.

“You wouldn’t!” EX gasped, “I have all my cookies on me!” 

“Oh but I would-” Hels said with a quiet laugh, gently shoving EX, though not hard enough to actually push him over the edge.

“Hels!” EX squeaked, shuffling back from the edge, “Don't you dare!”

Hels burst out laughing, eating a cookie that EX had given him previously and looking back at his friend, who’d shuffled back from the edge.

“Scared?” Hels asked, gesturing to EX to come back to sit on the edge.

“No, I just don't want to be push-” He was interrupted by Hels grabbing his hand and pulling him to sit back on the edge, a mischievous smile on his face. 

EX yelped, sitting back down on the edge, “You’re going to push me! I know it!”

“Shut up scaredy cat, anyway, we need to find somewhere to build a new base....” 

“Right, that’s why we were here- There’s a warped forest over there.” EX pointed across the lava lake to where they could just see a hint of blue in the distance. 

“Wanna get down there?” Hels asked him, standing up from the cliff.

“Sure-” EX replied, standing up.

“Off you go then!” Hels said with a smirk, shoving EX between the shoulders, pushing him off of the cliff.

Hels burst out laughing again as EX yelled his name angrily just before hitting the lava below them, a second later, the message came up in chat.

> Evil_Xisuma tried to swim in lava to escape Helsknight_

The hermits began spamming the chat with confused and worried messages, before EX typed.

Evil_Xisuma > HELS! I'm going to KILL you when I get back!

Hels chucked, watching the stream of messages in chat with a smirk.


EX made his way back to the spot where he’d been pushed, Hels was still there, watching his communicator, he quietly snuck up behind the knight, ready to get his revenge, and pushed him.

Hels yelped in surprise, grabbing onto a crimson root in the floor next to him to stop the fall, now dangling over the cliff, unable to get back up and at the same time not wanting to fall.

“Help me!” Hels yelled at EX, who stood over him with the same. mischievous smirk that Hels had been wearing on his face just before. 

“This feels a lot like the lion king.” EX commented, looking down at EX.

“Maybe it does, this isn’t the time to be comparing our situation to Disney, help!” Hels said, trying to pull himself up, but the root faltered, causing him to drop a little further with a yelp.

“Long live the king!” EX yelled with a triumphant laugh, breaking the root. Hels yelped, falling backwards into the lava.

“Serves you right!” EX yelled, leaning against a crimson stem and waiting for Hels to make his way back.

> Helsknight_ tried to swim in lava.


I enjoyed writing this one ovo

hope you enjoyed


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