Day six: Tree decorating

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Everyone was gathered around the giant Christmas tree that Scar and Cub put up, with help from Xisuma and Iskall.

Stress stood with Iskall, Ren, Doc, Cub, Scar and Cleo, all of them carrying lots of handmade decorations. Grian was stood with two ladders, one under each arm. The ZIT team had bags and bags of multi coloured baubles. Xisuma, Keralis and Bdubs were stood with a few bags full of green, red and gold tinsel. Jevin and Joe were stood with bags of fairy lights to decorate the tree. Mumbo and False were stood with their arms full of little decorative mechanisms, mainly mumbo’s creations. Even TFC was there watching the happy hermits chatting and laughing.

“Alright everyone!” Xisuma called, “We’re going to decorate the tree now! I see everyone brought stuff.”

"We're very prepared!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

"Alright, make this tree beautiful!" X yelled. 

The hermits rushed forwards almost in waves. Grian came first, setting up the ladders, then Jevin and Joe were swarmed and soon enough the trees was dazzling with brightly coloured lights. 

As the day continued, light snow began to fall. Iskall and Grian were running around after each other with spare tinsel, Stress had gotten tangled in a string of Christmas lights and False and Cleo were trying to untangle her. Jevin had the needles from the tree stuck all over him, Cub and Scar were having a two-man snowball fight. 

Xisuma and EX were looking up at the tree.

"Isn't it amazing?" X asked.

EX smiled, "Anything is amazing if there's cookies involved.* He took a cookie off of the table and started eating it. X laughed.

"You only do things because of cookies."

"True." EX replied. Finishing the cookie then reaching down, grabbing a handful of snow which he threw in X's face.

"Hey!" X yelled, grabbing some snow and throwing it at EX who ducked and ran off, followed by X, 

Yes, this is late.

Yes, this is short.

Yes, this is bad.

And yes, Tomorrow's will be better

Hope you enjoyed!


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