Stress' Book of Ships

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(Stresskall uwu)

Stress stood in the shopping district, leaning on the gorgeous fountain of truth and flicking through a notebook.

Said notebook contained information on each of the hermits, things Stress had observed and discovered over the seasons of hermitcraft.

Things like the hermits birthdays, their favourite things, what they enjoyed doing, their styles of building and whether they were a builder or a redstoner.

And then the most important part at the back of the book, who she shipped each hermit with. 

Each double page contained a different ship, complete with pictures and little notes, every page was detailed with little hearts.

Most of the hermits had a page with a ship, minus a few like TFC for obvious reasons, if the ship was canon, she had drawn a large magenta heart around their ship name at the top of the page 

Stress was idly flicking through the book, wondering which ship she should attempt to set up next. She stopped on a few pages, Scar and Grian, who already had a magenta heart on their page, they'd started dating a few weeks ago. 

"Those two were easy to get." stress murmured to herself, continuing to flick through the pages. 

"Easy to get what?" Came a familiar Swedish voice, causing stress to yelp and snap the book shut, turning to face Iskall, who was crouched on the rim of the fountain behind her, they had obviously been trying to sneak up on her, and it had worked.

Iskall burst out laughing at Stress’ reaction, moving to sit down on the fountain, while Stress stared at them with a horrified expression, clutching her book to her chest. 

“How much did you see?” Stress asked quickly, looking straight at Iskall, who gave her a confused look.

“Of that book? Nothing really-” They replied.

Stress sighed in relief, “thank god- wait- nothing really?”

“Only a page- i couldn’t even read it.” Iskall reassured, Stress shook her head and sat down on the fountain next to them, putting the book down next to her, keeping her hand on it.

“What's so special about that book anyway? I’ve seen you with it before.”

“Nothin’ special love, dont worry about it.” Stress said quickly.

"Suree-" Iskall said, "So you wouldn't mind if I-" 

Iskall stopped talking as they snatched the book from behind her and standing up, holding the book out of her reach.

"Give it back!" Stress yelped, reaching for the book the horrified expression reappearing on her face.

"But you said it was nothing special." Iskall teased, going to flick through the pages.

"Iskall! Bad! No! Stop it!" Stress cried, though Iskall has already seen enough when he handed the book back to her.

"Uh…" Stress said awkwardly, pulling out an ender chest and putting the book away, "you won't tell anyone, right?"

"Of course not." Iskall said with a smile, "I think it's kinda cute."

"Thanks, I- huh-?" Stress' cheeks went pink as she stared in surprise

"Yeah! it's nice that you want everyone to be happy," Iskall smiled, "I have just one question."

"Ask away love, you've already seen too much." Stress said, giggling a little.

"Where's your page?" 

"My page?" Stress asked, tilting her head to the side a little in confusion.

"Yea- you have all those pages with pairs or groups of hermits, where's the page for you?" Iskall explained.

"Oh- well uh- I guess I never thought about that? matchmaking for the server- I guess I never included myself…" Stress said, trailing off after a second.

"Well thats not right." Iskall replied with a firm look, "I have an idea."

"Hmm?" Stress looked at them curiously.

"What if I made you a page?" Iskall suggested, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen.

"I- But- wha-" Stress stuttered, not really knowing what was going on, though she continued with a nervous smile once she's collected her thoughts, "Sure- go for it- I can't stop ya anyway luv." 

Iskall grinned, sitting down on the fountain and pulling their legs up to hide what they were doing, Stress waited as Iskall scribbled on the paper, still just as confused as before.

Sure enough, after about five minutes of waiting Iskall stood back up, turning the paper round so stress could read. 

Her face grew visibly redder with every word on the paper. 


Will you go out with me? :P 

"I wha- Iskall- you-?" Stress spluttered, her face as red as a tomato, Iskall really just asked her out with a :P face at the end?? 

Iskall's cheeks went red as well, "Was I too forward- you don't have to-"

Stress interrupted them by flinging her arms around their neck. 

"Yes! Yes I'll go out with you!" She squealed, pulling out of the hug a little to look into his eyes. 

"Yes!" Iskall cheered, a grin spreading across their face as stress hugged them again.

"I hope you add our page to your book." Iskall said.

"Of course love. wouldn't dream of not." She giggled. 

"I love you Stress- you don't know how long I've wanted to tell you that." Iskall said.

"I love you too Iskall." Stress replied, "You don't know how long I've wondered if you liked me back."

"Well we both know now."




"I love you."

"I love you too" 


This one took me a while to write but I think it's cute and I'm proud of it.

also I know I've been doing a lot of shippy stuff lately but there's more

(I may have 2500+ words of Tangtho in my google Doc that isn't even finished)

Anyways hope you enjoyed,


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