Day 11: Christmas shopping

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Yes, this is late, I forgot to finish it yesterday!

They’re all in some sort of Mall, that I made up, based on the Mall at Cribbs, but with some extra stuff, like McDonalds *Glares at the Mall

Iskall, and Mumbo were Christmas shopping, Grian was supposed be here, he was just late. They wondered why. It was usually Mumbo who was late, or just didn’t show up at all. But Iskall and Mumbo had taken advantage of the dirty-blonde’s disappearance and bought their presents for him.

"Alright, now I only need one for… The Idea guys and Concorp…" Mumbo said, thinking out loud, he had already been shopping 
"Do we really have to get them presents?" Iskall laughed.
There was a really loud, obviously fake gasp and then "Iskall!" In a telling off sort of tone. The two turned around to see Grian, already carrying a full shulker box, walking towards them.
"We have to get everyone presents! Rival companies or not!" Grian said.
"True." Mumbo said.
"Yes! Now let's go!" Grian said, skipping off.

About an hour later they had found a lot of presents for almost all of the hermits, the only people they were missing were Scar and Cub.
“Can we go have lunch?” Iskall complained.
“Yeah, I’m starving.” Grian said.
“Why do i have to decide?” Mumbo said.
“Because you’re the most sensible person here.” Iskall said.
“And that’s saying something spoon.” Grian said.
“Ok sure, let’s go to McDonalds.” Mumbo said, shrugging.
“Yay!” Grian said.
(Complaint to the mall because they removed McDonalds and replaced it with something!)

They ordered their food and went to sit at one of the tables outside of the McDonalds. Grian was fiddling with the toy from his happy meal, which he’d ordered with extra chicken nuggets. Iskall had questioned why he hadn’t just got the adults portion and he was answered with a glare and Grian pulling the happy meal box to his chest.

“Guys… Is that-?” Iskall tried to look around Mumbo at something in the distance.
“Is that what?” Asked Grian, looking in the direction that Iskall was looking.
“Cub and Scar are here!” Iskall said, pointing. Grian and Mumbo looked over to see the two Vex stood outside of Pizza Hut. Scar was carrying Jellie in his arms and they were laughing about something.
“What are they up to?” Grian asked.
“They are probably doing the same thing we are.” Mumbo commented.
“Actually yeah, that sounds reasonable.” Grian said, watching them.
While they were watching, Scar turned and looked straight at them, giving they a playful smile then him and Cub ran off towards the top floor.
“Oh it’s on!” Iskall yelled, jumping up and running after them.
“What’s going on?” Mumbo asked, panicked at the sudden movement.
“No idea, come on we’d better follow him.” Grian said, grabbing his happy meal in one hand and Mumbo’s wrist in the other, dragging him along as he ran to catch up with Iskall.

“What’s going on??” Grian asked Iskall when they finally caught up to him, out of breath.
“We’ve been challenged my dudes..” Iskall said.
“To what exactly?” Mumbo asked.
“We have to get them the best Christmas presents that we have ever bought.” Iskall said, “We need to top their gifts for us, which they told me were amazing.”
“Oh, well that’ll be easy, follow me!” Grian said, walking towards a brightly coloured shop which had Mickey Mouse logos all over it.
“Behold, the Disney shop.” Grian said, “A paradise for Scar. We just need to buy all the plushies and posters that we can and wrap them up all together in giant boxes.”
“That’s brilliant.” Iskall said, looking around the shop.
“I have an idea for Cub.” Mumbo said.
“Alright, you have extra shulkers yes grian?” Iskall asked.
“Alright, you stay here and buy Scar whatever you think he’ll like most,” Iskall said, “I’m going to to with Mumbo to make sure he doesn’t do something spoonish.”
Grian smiled, “Ok! Good luck, come back here when you’re done.”
“We will! Come on Iskall!” Mumbo said, leading Iskall back downstairs.

Grian turned and headed into the Disney shop. He looked around and headed straight to the poster area.

He took multiple posters off of the shelves, Frozen, The Lion King, Tangled, Aladdin and Peter Pan as well as some others.

He smiled, and headed over to the plushie section. He looked around before deciding on some. He took plushies of Scar and Simba from The Lion King, only because his name was Scar.  He got some little mini plushie thingys of all of the Disney princesses and some other things as well like a figurine of Peter Pan.

He smiled, happy with everything he’d bought. He paid for it all using the diamonds he’d gotten when Idea had bought out Sahara, and went outside of the shop to meet Iskall and Mumbo when they returned.


Mumbo and Iskall carried a large, heavy box between them. Grian was stood outside of the Disney shop, carrying a blue shulker box which looked like it was bulging with stuff.
"What have you guys got?" Grian asked, eyeing the box suspiciously. Iskall proudly lifted up the box to show Grian the picture.
"A new high tech surveillance drone?" Grian asked, "That's perfect! Especially since Scar shot down quite a few of his drones during the hippie-Area77 stuff."
"I'm glad you approve." Iskall said, turning the box back over so you couldn't see what it was.
"What about you Grian? What did you get?" Mumbo asked.
"Oh loads of stuff." Grian said, "posters of some films, lots of plushies, like lots…"
"Alright!" Iskall said.
"I think we're done here." Mumbo said.
"Yep! Let's get back to hermitcraft, we have a lot of wrapping to do.

I almost forgot about this again.

I'm glad I remembered XD.

Today's should be published within five minutes if I don't get destracted by discord.

I hope you enjoyed!


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