Helsknight (I can't be creative)

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Hels ran through the nether, his eyes on the ground as he ran over the bedrock. The portals of the different hermit's bases flashing past as he ran. He didn't exactly know where he was or what he was doing.

When he'd first entered the nether after the encounter with his brother, Wels, he was mainly confused. The nether was a little different than the one he was from. He didn't quite understand why the floor was completely flat bedrock, how had the hermits done this to the place?

Lost in his thoughts, Hels ran straight into someone, reeling backwards and ending up on the ground, looking up at the person he'd ran into.

"Who are you." Hels commanded, standing up and brushing himself off. The person in front of him crossed his arms over his red armour, glaring at Hels.

"The question here is, who are you? You just ran into me."

Hels huffed, glaring daggers back, "I'm Helsknight, Wels' brother, now you are you?"

"I'm Evil Xisuma. Xisuma's younger brother, you're new here, aren't you." EX said, eyeing Hels suspiciously through his dark visor.

"Yes, I am. Wels managed to free me from the nether using a cloning machine, or something." Hels said, "Wels is a fool."

"I wouldn't expect much intelligent life here if I were you. You'll be disappointed."

"You're like me, aren't you." Hels said, a thoughtful tone in his voice, "Cast aside, forgotten about and left to rot in Hell."

"Uh- maybe not the last part, but yeah-" EX replied, looking at Hels skeptically.

"Want to help me destroy the server?"

"Wait wh-" EX began, before he was cut off by Hels grabbing his arm and beginning to drag him off, "Ok- where are we going?"

"Somewhere we can set up a base of operations." Hels replied curtly, continuing to drag EX towards one of the random portals around.

"You don't even know where you're going!" EX protested.

"Does it matter?"

"A little bit yeah!" EX said, rooting his feet to the ground, not letting himself be pulled, "There are things you don't know about in this place, people you should avoid, places we shouldn't go and suck."

Hels rolled his eyes at EX, "You scared?"

"No, I just would rather keep my life and sanity intact, thank you." EX said matter-of-factly, looking at Hels.

"So, if you're so smart, where do you propose we go?"

"The base of operations I already have?" EX suggested, Hels looked a little surprised before something went through his head and he nodded.

"Right- you've been here before, of course you already have a base."


Ten minutes later they were sat in a hand dug out cave, more furnished than EX's cave from last season and definitely a lot more cozy, they were sat on red beanbags around a small spruce table with a plate of cookies in the middle.

"What- are these?" Hels asked, picking up a cookie and inspecting it, they didn't have these in the nether.

"They're cookies- how do you not know what a cookie is?" EX said, genuinely a little offended.

Hels shrugged, "They don't exist where I'm from."

"You have to eat one. Now." EX commanded. Hels rolled his eyes.

"No." He said, "they might be poisoned."

"Why the Hels would I poison you."

At that, Hels just stared at him, "I hate you, so much, right now."

EX just shrugged, taking a cookie from the table, "Eat the cookie."

"Finneeee-" Hels sighed, biting into the cookie in his hand, before glaring at it, "Why does it taste good?"

"Beeecause it's a cookie?" EX said, taking another.

"You're almost as stupid as my brother but somehow I find you a lot easier to bare."

"Thank you?" EX replied, unsure of whether that was a compliment or not, instead of replying further he just shoved the plate of cookies towards Hels. "take as many as you want, I can get more."

"Heh-" Hels said, taking another cookie, "Maybe you can stick around."


This was kinda weird, by the end I was just kinda letting my brain do what it wants because I wanted a substantial amount of words and I could barely think, lol.

Hope you enjoyed


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