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Grian Evo angst whoo Ash wrote this yesterday but she forgot to post this so now you will have to deal with her talking in third person.

I can hear the whispers in my sleep
The voices telling me this should be mine

Grian placed snow block after snow block, finishing up the Empire base, finally after hours and hours of work, the top part of the base was done. He walked over to the Taurtis summoning platform, placing down a rose.

He was about to turn away when he heard muffled shouts, digging Taurtis out of the ground before asking him to join the empire, happy he agreed.

You (You)
You claim you trust me (You claim you trust me)

“Hey Taurtis?” Grian asked him, finding him sitting alone in his square.
“Yes Grian?”
“You trust me right?” Grian asked, a look of worry on his face.
“Of course I do…”
You think I don't see the doubt behind your eyes

He could see the mistrust, Taurtis didn’t trust him as he said he did, so when taurtis left, Grian was happy to expand further.

I'm gonna build me an empire
And it's lonely at the top

Grian dug block after block, now working on the underneath of the empire, where the vault would eventually go.

He was lonely, being the only one here, he had been happy when Taurtis left, though he felt himself slowly slipping into madness.

But madness and greatness
Can both share a face
And nobody will ever convince me to stop

Grian smiled, a slight tint of madness in his chocolate brown eyes, he was the greatest empire in the world, no-one would be able to stop his progression, he would get more population soon.

It's my destiny (It's my destiny)
I was born to play this game

Grian knew this was what he had to do from the moment he arrived in the world, no-one could stop him, it was his fate, his destiny to create this masterpiece.

So fear me or love me
It's all the same

He didn’t care what the other evolutionists thought of him, he would be the greatest, if he got there through fear or love, it didn’t matter to Grian.

Try to find a chain that I won't break
A price I wouldn't pay for what I want

Not even the watchers would stop him, their tests and trials meant nothing, he would take their clay, and their loot, it didn’t matter, they wouldn’t do anything about it, it was all for his empire, it was all he cared about.

So you can call me calculating, You can call me calculating
You can say I've lost my mind, You can say I've lost my mind

The evolutionists stopped trying to help him, they decided he had just lost his mind, they didn’t know, Grian didn’t care what they said about him.

You can throw me to the wolves
I'll be alright

The evolutionists stood in front of him, as a last attempt to bring back the Grian they once knew, but he wasn’t going to accept it that easily, he had a goal, a plan, and he wouldn’t give it up just for the people he once saw as his friends.

I'm gonna build me an empire
And it's lonely at the top

Grian sat on his throne that he had built himself, looking over his empire, it was beautiful, now if only he could get a population, then maybe he wouldn’t be so lonely, up there at the top, but all alone.

But madness and greatness
Can both share a face
And nobody will ever convince me to stop.

They didn’t need to join him. He could do this alone, he could expand and take over Evo, he could rule over even the watchers. A mad smile crossed Grian’s face as he let out a laugh, he would rule the universe with his empire.

“It's my destiny, I was born to play this game. So fear me or love me It's all the same.” Grian said to the evolutionists, his crazed smile.
“Grian please, listen to us, we can help you, stop this crazy talk.” Netty said, looking up at him with worried eyes.

“Just one word I'll let the world burn.” Grian said with a grin, pulling out a flint and steel, “Just one word... “
“Grian please-” Zee said, coming up behind Netty, reaching to take the TNT from him.

Just one word I'll let the world burn. Grian pulled it away from him, taking out his sword.
“If you’re not with me.” He said with a sly smile, “You’re against me.”
The sword sliced through Netty’s chest like butter, she fell to the floor, coughing violently, Zee fell next to her, tears in his eyes. Grian looked each evolutionist in the eyes, his look insane and uncaring.
“Let that be a warning to you.” Grian said, and then he disappeared.

I'm gonna build me an empire
And it's lonely at the top

Grian remembered when he started, they had all been his friends, but they were against him now, he didn’t care. His empire meant everything to him.

But madness and greatness
Can both share a face
And nobody will ever convince me to stop.

“Grian.” Taurtis said, “You need to stop this. It’s gone too far. Netty…”
“It's my destiny,” Grian replied, “I was born to play this game, So fear me or love me. It's all the same.”

Grian stood on a stone platform, the evolutionists were beneath him, gathered, two watchers stood behind him.

“So fear me or love me It's all the same”


Ash wrote this yesterday when she wasn't sleep deprived and/or talking in third person

She hopes everyone enjoyed.


Monday Ash:
I'm sorry you guys had to deal with me at 8 am having gotten no sleep, I did go to sleep after I wrote that,so I'm fine.

also I thought I published this. oh well

-(probably not) Sane Ash

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