You wouldn't understand

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“It’s not like you would understand, you haven't seen the shit i’ve seen.” Grian said, brushing Scar’s hand off of his shoulder.

"I would understand if you would just tell me!" Scar pleaded, coming round to face Grian. Scar had found him in his base, silen tears running down his face, holding what looked like a piece of blue cloth.

"I ca-can't tell y-you.. you w-wouldn't understand even if I di-did." Grian said, fresh tears falling from his eyes. Scar stepped forward and hugged Grian, holding the shorter hermit close to him, but Grian didn't want it, he pushed Scar away, almost frantically, with a glint of memory in his eyes.


Grian looked around in horror at the server he had created, the server he was supposed to use his watcher magic to protect, and now it was falling apart.

The updates had come too quickly for the world of Evo to physically handle, coming one after the other in rapid succession until the server finally crashed under its own strain.

Grian was warned by the other watchers not to bring the updates too fast, to allow the server enough time between updates to correct itself and get accustomed to the new features, but Grian disregarded them after a while, impatient for the new blocks and features he could use to expand the Grian Empire even more.

Grian stood on the grand steps the players had built to the interserver portal, which had never been used. He watched the ground crack and split up into pieces. The sun burned, broken in half and a dull red colour. Bathing the lands in a cold red.

Monsters swarmed the land as well, coming out in the day since the sun only provided the brightness of a redstone torch, phantoms circled in the sky, ready to swoop to pick a player off of the ground at any second. But Grian knew, or he thought he knew, that there were no players left.

The update crash crashed the souls of the players living in the world as well, he had watched the members of the server crumple to the floor around him, all these people who had been his friends were killed by his selfish actions, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

It was too late.

“Grian!” A blue blur ran up to him where he stood on the portal, “Your alive!”
“T-taurtis?” Grian said through the tears staining his face.
“Yes its me! Come on Grian we have to go!” Tarutis said, grabbing Grian’s sleeve and pulling his towards the portal. They looked like they would make it through the portal, but of course, it wasn’t meant to be.

“Grian look out!” Taurtis yelled, dodging the screeching phantom, “What are these things?”
“Something new, I’ve never seen them before!” Grain replied, hitting one on the head with his sword, but there were more, endlessly more, they couldn’t fight them.

They rushed towards the portal, but quickly realised that they wouldn’t be fast enough, the phantoms were closing in on all sides, they wouldn’t reach the portal soon enough.

“We aren’t gonna make it.” Grian said as they ran. Taurtis stopped in front of the portal and wrapped his arms around Grian, in a tight hug.
“Goodbye Grian, be safe, find a new world, forget about me.” Taurtis let go of Grian and, before he had time to react, pushed him backwards into the portal.

Grian grabbed at Taurtis as he fell into the swirling void, he caught hold of Taurtis’ shirt just as a phantom smashed into him, lifting him up into the air, the piece of cloth trom taurtis’ shirt came off in grian’s hand as he was taken by the void.

Seconds later he was lead on wet grass clutching a piece of torn blue fabric, and crying his eyes out, and that’s how the hermits had found him.


"Is-is this about before?" Scar asked quietly.
Grian nodded, "I d-don't want to t-talk about it… y-you'd hate m-me…"
"I would never hate you Grian, no matter what you did." Scar said, "Come on, we should sit down."

Scar led Grian to a sofa where they sat down together, Grian began to cry again, silent tears rolled down his face.
"It's my fault." Grian whispered, "They're all dead and it's my fault."
"It's not your fault-" Scar said.
"It is! I forced the server past it's limits, it was my selfish, impatient, greedy, actions that k-killed all my friends…"
"Grian?" Scar said.
"M-my best friend saved m-me… I didn't deserve it. I don't deserve you, or any of the other hermits. I don't deserve anyone." Grian said.
"Yet we still care for you all the same." Scar said, "It doesn't matter how you acted in the past. We still love you. All of us, and me most of all."
"Th-thanks Scar… But-" grian said, Scar put a finger to Grian's lips.
"No Buts. Now come on, let's binge watch Disney together." Scar said, a small smile appearing on his face. Grian smiled despite his tears.
"Ok, lead the way." He said.

The next day, Cub found Grian and Scar, cuddled up together on a sofa in front of the TV which was showing the title screen of some Disney film. Cub smiled at the two, and left them to sleep.
Heh, sorry about that, that came from a dialogue prompt. (the first thing Grian said was the prompt)

Sorry for all the Scarian lately, I am going to try and write something different for the next one. ;)

Hope you enjoyed!


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