Positivity tag! :D

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HEllo! this is the positivity tag! were you tag people and write nice things about them! I got tagged by two different people, thank you guys! <3 also sorry if you've already been tagged a billion times qwq, and also sorry if you didn't get tagged, I appreciate every single person who reads this book :D

anyway, let's do this- (this took so long someone help mee it wouldn't let me tAG PEOPLE qWq

FandomsUnite05 - Thanks for tagging me in this :D, I love your one-shots, your writing and responses to my comments always make me smile and it was great to work with you on the Fluff vs Angst competition

_adrilia_ - Thank you also for tagging me xD, you're amazingly fun to roleplay and generally chat with, your writing is amazing and you're an amazing person. (very very amazing I need to learn more adjectives)

hapyhappiness - (there's so much I could say here so I'ma have to limit it) you're fun to roleplay with, you're a great friend and an amazing person, you've helped me so much when I've needed it, I don't know what I'd do if you didn't exist qwq.

@King_Goose - You are freaking adorable and a beautiful human being, you write really well even though you haven't got much out yet, you're my British buddy and you're so sweet and kind and beautiful *continues vomiting compliments* ily <3

_Skyean - You're so cute too and you give me virtual hugs, you're amazing to talk to and I'm so glad I met you, you're accent is amazing and you're so kind and adorable and I just wanna hug youuuu. ily as well <3

Viola_halogen - I'm really glad to have you as a friend, you write and draw really well, you're really fun to talk to and one of the few friends I have irl, you're funny and creative and amazing and ily (no homo tho)

KingChocoFacialHair - you're really fun to talk to and absolutely hilarious, that voice chat we did to work on the recap was hilarious and I generally just enjoy talking to you a lot :D (don't fricking hurt my cactus tho I have a knife)

sorry I didn't tag that many people- I was doing this at like 1 am lol- 


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