So Small!

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This is a weird little one-shot that I was inspired to make because of someone doing a one-shot where grian got stuck in a chest… I would tag them but I can’t remember who it was lol

Ren’s POV

Xisuma led us through the portal to Season Six, I was sad to go, looking around at the amazing landscape, but I quickly jumped through the portal, I didn’t want to be last.

!I heard confused shouts on the other side of the portal, from multiple hermits.

“Loads of people… just lagged out of a portal?” I heard a confused British voice before the server’s chunks loaded in all at once, I saw everyone I knew as well as a new guy in a red sweater.

“Hello! Everyone!” Xisuma said, “This is Grian, He’s the newest member of hermitcraft make him feel welcome!” 

“H-hi!” Said Grian, “I’m glad to be here!”

Everyone cheered and ran up to him, greeting him in their own way, some people punched him, some people, basically just Joe, gave him a lengthy welcome speech and others just said hi.

“Aren’t you supposed to be a master builder?” I heard, “This world seems pretty empty.”

“Yeah, it started off as a block of bedrock, he built all of this.” Someone else said, there was laughter and shouting as everyone went off their own ways, Realising that I hadn’t yet introduced myself to this new hermit. I ran over,

“Hey, dude!” I said.

“Oh hi!” Grian.

“Oh, my gawd you’re so freaking short!” I yelled. Grian looked at the floor.

“Um, ok?” He said.

“You’re so cute and tiny! I just wanna freakin’ hug you, dude!” I said, pulling the new hermit into a hug.

“This is freaking awesome dude!” I said, “Short people are the best for hugs!”

“Hey Ren? Can we borrow Grian a second?” False asked.

“My precious!” I hissed, hugging Grian to my chest, False, looked at me, wide-eyed and then backed away over to where Stress and Cleo were standing.

“Can’t breath…!” Grian said. I loosened my grip slightly.

“Sorry, dude!” I said.

“Nah it’s ok, I like hugs,” Grian said.

“Yay!” I said, hugging him more.

“What is this server coming to…” Xisuma said, watching us and shaking his head.

-This one was short but honestly, this is just me wanting to hug Ren and Grian at the same time so I just made them both hug lol.

Word count: 412

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