Day 16: Christmas hit songfic

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Scar sat in his base, cub had been away the whole of December. To see his family. Scar understood why Cub had left for a while, and he knew that cub would be coming back five days before Christmas, but that didn't help Scar with missing his best partner.

So I wait
And I wait

Scar had waited a whole December to see Cub again and it was getting unbearable, he missed Cub eating cake in the morning, Scar telling him it wasn't good for him, but Cub still doing it every morning

But I've had as much as I can take

Scar sat on the bed him and Cub usually shared, he looked at the empty side of the bed.

'Cause I've got 5 more nights of sleeping on my own

The next day he began with the preparations for his and Cub's part of the Hermitcraft party, well, just his this year, it didn't feel right doing this without Cub.

4 more days until you're coming home

Scar looked at the mistletoe he had hung around the house. It felt like it was taunting him, the fact that he didn't have his partner with him.

3 more dreams of you and mistletoe

Scar looked around, he knew Cub would love this. He could imagine Cub's reaction, he couldn't wait until Cub came home.

2 more reasons why I love you so


Scar felt like he couldn't wait five days to see Cub again on Christmas day, he could barely believe he'd been able to last quite this long, and now with Cub's return date pushed back another five days, to Christmas day, he felt he might explode with emotion

I've got 5 more nights until you're next to me

Scar wandered aimlessly around the house him and Cub shared, he realised how lonely he was without Cub only a few days after he was gone and now it was almost crushing.

4 more days of being lonely

Scar wished Cub was here. He knew he would have loved helping Scar perfect his Christmas light bow, a crossbow which shot Christmas lights which Scar had used to decorate the house, it had been half as fun as it would have been with Cub there. Scar felt he was suffocating in his own feelings.

3 more wishes I can barely breathe

Scar tried to power through his emotions, he had to make it to Christmas day, so he could see Cub again.

If I can make it to Christmas Eve then it's
One more sleep
one more sleep until it's Christmas

One more sleep until I see Cub again. One more sleep untill this horrible lonely feeling goes away. Scar thought, sitting on his bed with a plate of cookies, he couldn't bring himself to make cake.

One more sleep

Scar couldn't believe how much he missed Cub so much. When Cub had said he was going, Scar hadn't thought he would miss him so much, although he was seeing him the next day, he couldn't believe how much different life was without Cub.

Can't believe how much I missed us
One more sleep

Scar began drifting off to sleep, comforted by the thought that he'd see Cub in the morning.

One more sleep until it's Christmas

Scar fell asleep, the plate of cookies next to him.

One more sleep...

Oh my goodness that caused me so much trouble.

This is the first songfic I've ever donrz so I hope it's good!

I hope you enjoyed!


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