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(if you don't know what the title means, look it up, if you want to)

(this is fully platonic uwu)

"Hey, Zed! Wanna come over later?" Impulse asked Zed, running up to him in the courtyard of their highschool, Zed smiled, carrying a pile of books for his next class.

"Why not? I have nothing better to do, besides, you're my best friend," Zed replied.

"Nice! I'll meet you out here after school, cya Zed!" Impulse said with a smile, walking away from Zed with a wave, which Zed returned before turning on his heel and heading in the opposite direction.


Impulse giggled, handing Zed a stick of chalk.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Zed asked, looking at the half-drawn pentagram on Impulse's living room floor.

"It's fine, nothing will happen, it's just for fun, we can clear it up before mom gets home, we still have a few hours." Impulse said, "Now you finish drawing that and I'll go find some candles"

Zed shrugged with a smile, kneeling on the ground and continuing to draw the five-pointed star with the chalk Impulse had given him. Standing up and dusting off his hands just as Impulse came back with an armful of candles.

"These go on each point of the star, and some other places as well." Impulse said as if he knew exactly what he was doing, passing half the candles to Zed and beginning to place some around himself.

"This feels dangerous-" Zed said skeptically, looking at the pentagram they'd drawn.

"Nahh- it won't do anything, that stuff isn't actually real, this is just for fun!" Impulse said, smiling back at Zed as he continued to place the candles, Zed quickly joined in.


Standing back to admire their chalk and candles, Impulse nodded.

"All that's left now is to light the candles and turn off the lights." He said, "Zed can you close the curtains?"

Zed nodded, going over to the floor-length curtains over the sliding glass door and pulling them shut, making the ceiling light the only source of light in the room, Impulse grabbed a lighter from the shelf and lit one of the candles, quickly using the lit candle to light the others.

"It's ready!" Impulse said, going over to smack the light switch, making the room dark beside the flickering orange light coming from the candles.

"So uh- what now?" Zed asked, going over to Impulse in the dark.

"I- didn't think this far ahead, come on, let's just sit down." he said with a small laugh, pulling Zed over to the sofa, "We can clear this up in a minute."


Zed and impulse sat in silence for a minute or two, watching the pentagram as if something was going to happen, when there was a puff of black smoke, coming from the middle of the pentagram and spreading over the room, the lights in the room flickered back on, only making the smoke look more sinister.

Impulse stared wide-eyed, Zed grabbed onto Impulse's arm.

"Impulse we summoned a demon oh gods we're dead-" Zed whispered, his tone panicked.

"Zed I think I can see that-" Impulse started, interrupted by the sound of coughing across the room.

"Eugh that smoke is horrible- does that have to happen every time?" The smoke cleared to show a blonde demon, not much older than Impulse and Zed, waving it away with his hand, Zed and Impulse glanced at each other before looking back at the demon, their eyes wide.

"Like- I'm all for dramatic entrances, but seriously, what if someone had asthma- Or- I dunno- wanted rainbow glitter sparkles and unicorns or something." The demon continued, glaring at the smoke.

"Uh- um- h-hello?" Impulse said, more of a question than a greeting, the demon turned to them, having not noticed the pair at first.

"Oh- Hi!" he replied, "Was it you two who summoned me?"

Impulse nodded, barely able to form words, but he squeaked out, "please don't hurt us-"

The demon tilted his head a little to the side, raising an eyebrow in confusion, "Why would I hurt you?"

Shifting uncomfortably, looking straight at the demon, Zed spoke, "Because you're a demon?"

"Oh- right..." The demon said, "Everyone seems to think I want to hurt them..."

"So- you don't want to hurt us?"

"No of course not." The demon replied, "I'm Tango by the way, sorry about the smoke."

"I-I'm Impulse- that's Zed..." Impulse replied, standing up from the sofa, looking the demon over.

"Nice to- meet you?" Zed said, his voice more questioning as if he was unsure what the right thing was to say.

Tango grinned, rather than replying he ran forward and hugged them both, "Thank you!"

"Ow- can't breathe-" Zed squeaked, squirming to get free, Impulse let out a yelp, still wary of Tango.

"Oh- sorry," Tango said, letting go of them, looking down at the floor.

"It's ok, man- just- not every day you accidentally summon a demon-" Impulse explained, "We're still a little shook-"

"I'm glad you did- the place I came from wasn't nice... can I stay here? In this world?" Tango asked hopefully, looking at Impulse and Zed.

"I- sure? We can't exactly stop you." Impulse said with a shrug, Tango was beaming.

"You guys are amazing!" Tango said, hugging them again, though not quite as tightly.

"I know." Zed said with a giggle, before being elbowed by Impulse, "I- mean- thank you!"


"So- uh- you guys want to watch a movie or something?" Impulse asked after they had begun clearing up the pentagram.

"A Movie?" Tango asked, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.

"Ok, now we definitely have to watch a movie." Impulse said, going over to the TV, leaving Tango to be confused.

"C'mon," Zed said with a smile, grabbing Tango's wrist and bringing him over to the sofa as the movie started playing Impulse quickly joined them, sitting the other side of Tango, sandwiching him between them.


By the time the movie was barely halfway through, Tango was sleeping happily with his head resting on Impulse's shoulder and his arms around his waist, Zed giggled.

"Are we going to wake him up?"

"We're going to have to at some point, but I'll let him sleep for now." Impulse replied, "Plus he's warm."

"What- ok." Zed shrugged, "Well if he gets to sleep, I do too." Zed said, snuggling up to Tango and falling asleep almost immediately, Impulse rolled his eyes, continuing to watch the movie while the two slept.


This was fun to write, I might do a part two if I can be bothered and if you want it of course.

This entire idea came from someone saying all they could think of was a pentagram when I did a starfish flop, I get ideas from the strangest of things xD.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!


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