So much death...

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Goodtimeswithscar fell from a high place.

Ren:You ok dude?

Scar: Yes I'm f-

Goodtimeswithscar was slain by drowned.

Ren: You sure dude?"

Goodtimeswithscar tried to swim in lava

Ren: Scar where are you?

Scar: Going to my base.

Goodtimeswithscar drowned.

Scar: Nevermind I'm at spawn.

Cub: What's going on?

Goodtimeswithscar was slain by phantom

Ren: Scar keeps dying.

Cub: I see

Goodtimeswithscar discovered that the floor is lava.

Iskall: What even is that?

Scar: Magma blocks.

Iskall: Oh.

Cub: Scar stay at spawn I'm coming to get you.

Goodtimeswithscar was pricked to death

Ren: ... how dude?

Scar: There was a cactus.

Cub: Scar are you still at spawn.

Goodtimeswithscar was slain by #SHOP AT SAHARA

Cub: Scar nooooo! You traitor

Scar: Mumbo!

Mumbo_Jumbo was slain by Goodtimeswithscar

Grian: Death count: 9

Goodtimeswithscar experienced kinetic energy

Goodtimeswithscar suffocated

Goodtimeswithscar was blown up by a creeper

Ren: Aww man.

Iskall: Shut up.

Ren: No.

Goodtimeswithscar was squished by a slime

Cub: Jevin!

Jevin: What did i do?

Cub: Your people killed scar!

Jevin: My...people?

Cub: Yes! The slimes!

Goodtimeswithscar was squashed by a falling anvil

Ren: How does that just happen dude?

Scar: I got stuck in one of the 'To kill a Tango things'

Cub: So you're not at spawn anymore?

Goodtimeswithscar was slain by Guardian

Scar: nope I'm at my base now.

Goodtimeswithscar was squished too much

Iskall: Squished by what lol?

Scar: chickens.

Iskall: how dude.

Scar: someone left them in my base!


Goodtimeswithscar fell off a ladder.

Cub: Oh for goodness sake.

Iskall: I didn't even know that was a death message! XD

Ren: nor me dude!

Scar: I'm the champion of MC death messages¡

Grian: Death count: 17

Goodtimeswithscar went off with a bang.

Cub: >:(

Scar: aww don't by mad Cub!

Cub: how do you keep dying!

Goodtimeswithscar fell in lava while trying to escape #SHOPATSAHARA

Cub: not again!

Scar: that was Mumbo again.

Mumbo: What did I do?

Cub: The #Shopatsahara thing perhaps?

Mumbo: nooo? Why would you say that??

Goodtimeswithscar was blown up by a Llama.

Ren: ... 0^0

Cub: ...O.O

Iskall:... XD whaaat

Mumbo: lol what?

Jevin: hahahaha how??

Grian: how does that even... WAH

Grian: Oh right! *Cough* Death count 20

Scar: Please like and subscribe as you may just became, Scarred for life!!

Goodtimeswithscar left the game.

Cub: I'm done.

Cubfan135 left the game.

I laughed so much while i wrote this XD

My friend gave me this idea so credit to Viola_halogen for the idea lol.

I hope you enjoyed all the weird and wonderful Minecraft death messages I could find!

(They are all real (but they might not be around in the newer versions idk I got them from YouTube)


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