Piggyback rides and stolen diamonds.

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"Ren!" Doc called, "We need to talk." 

Ren slid over to Doc, "Yes my friend?" He said, leaning on Doc.

Doc gave Ren a look and shoved him away, "No Ren, I'm serious.* 

"Oh?" Said Ren, doing a perfect Lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Doc slapped Ren across the face.

"What the heck dude!?" Ren said.

"Ren this is serious!" Doc said angrily, "The stock exchange diamonds have been stolen!" 

Ren rubbed his cheek, his eyes wide, *Dude what?" 

"They were stolen, and replaced with Grian and Tango heads." Doc explained, "All of them, even the ones in the hot-tub." 

"Show me." Ren said.


"Woah…" Ren said, looking at the sheer amounts of heads. 

"Yeah, they even replaced the ones in the walls…" Doc said. 

"Are we assuming it was Grian and Tango then?" Ren asked 

"I guess so." Doc said, "All the evidence is pointing that way… but someone could be framing them." 

"You're right." Ren said thoughtfully. "Well, I suggest we go back upstairs and pretend that everything is ok until we can figure out who did this." 

Doc sighed, "Ok." He said and followed Ren out of the vault. 


"Ren? What are you-" Doc asked, Ren was stood behind him just outside of the stock exchange with his hands on Doc's shoulders. Doc was going to just deal with whatever it was that Ren was doing.

"Yeet!" Ren yelled, jumping up and wrapping his legs around Doc in a piggyback. Doc yelped and stumbled but regained his balance.

"Ren what the hell?" Doc said.

Ren laughed happily "This is fun!" He yelled, "Now take me somewhere!" 

Doc sighed and complied with Ren, setting off at a fast walk towards the shopping district.

"You're surprisingly light you know.* Doc said.

"Are you calling me fat?" Ren asked.

"No of course not!" Doc said. 

"Hmmm…." Ren said. 

"You're just… really light * Doc said. Carrying on waling.

“Go faster my trusty steed!” Ren said. Doc shook his head.

“You’re acting like a child.” Doc said.

“Yes I  am, now go faster!” Ren yelled. Doc sighed and took off as fast as he could go. Ren whooped and cheered.

After a while of running around the shopping district, Doc ended up having fun as well, spinning Ren around in circles and the stumbling around because he was dizzy. Both of them were laughing hysterically after Doc ran through a puddle of water and got water all over them both. 

"Umm… what's happening here?" Said Mumbo, looking at Doc and Ren with a confused expression. Doc started coughing and spluttering. He dropped Ren onto the floor and stood up straight again.

"Oww!" Ren whined, "What was that for dude?" 

Doc stopped coughing and ignored Ren.

"Nothing's happening Mumbo!" Doc said, "Especially nothing to do with us." He gave Ren an angry look.

"Oh yeah dude!" Ren said, "Nothing's happening, nothing at all." 

"Hmm…" Mumbo hummed, disbelievingly.

"Did you need something Mumbo?" Doc asked.

"Oh no,I was just curious as to why you and Ren were piggybacking all around the shopping district." Mumbo said, smirking.

Doc laughed awkwardly, "I-I thnk you were seeing things, right Ren?"

"Yeah, man, we weren't doing anything of the sort!” Ren said.

"Say Mumbo," Doc said, trying to distract him again, "Any idea who stole out diamonds?" 

"Your diamonds were stolen?" Mumbo asked. 

"I thought we weren't telling anyone about that?" Ren asked.

"Oh right! Sorry about this Mumbo!" Doc said. Mumbo looked confused before Doc took out a trident and hit Mumbo over the head with it, only hard enough to knock him out, not cause any lasting damage.

"What the heck dude!?" Ren yelled.

"Quick Ren! Before anyone sees!" Doc whisper-shouted, grabbing Ren's wrist and dragging him all the way back to the stock exchange.


This is what I'm going to do when I don't have an idea now, ask my friend in school to name three hermits and a time in season 6.

This one, as you may have guessed, was Doc, Ren and Mumbo, during the pranks just before the civil war. 


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