Day 23: Server-wide Christmas party

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So, I may have promised some of you a drawing, however as I (kinda) expected, i uhh… vastly underestimated how long it would take me to do so…. It is not finished… I will try and get it done at some point :)

Also this is the first think i wrote on my new laptop :3

Every hermit was heading to Stress’s castle. Cub and Scar were carrying three large cakes between them. Grian and Iskall were bringing some bread rolls, baked potatoes and some pickled stuff.

X and EX were bringing a large ham and a turkey, having worked together to prepare them. Cleo and False ad prepared a range of sweet treats, festive cookies and other similar bakes. Mumbo was bringing a large selection of cheese and crackers, Zedaph, Tango and Impulse were carrying a large amount of fast food, burgers, chicken nuggets, KFC, and pizza. The food table soon became less of a Christmas buffet and more of a mish-mash of any food that is found literally anywhere.

Once all the hermits had arrived the party got in full swing. Grian was acting like he’d have three cups fo fully caffeinated coffee in the space of two minutes and he was running around Iskall and Mumbo. Iskall patted im on the head while laughing.
“Calm down child.” Iskall said, Grian giggled, smiling up at Iskall then darting away again towards the buffet. Where False was standing leaning on a wall eating a pork pie. He grabbed a load of food and put it on a plate, darting back to Iskall and Mumbo.

A bit further down the buffet table Ren was busy stuffing his face with as much food as seemed possible. Doc facepalmed, watching his friend.
“You’re going to get sick.” Doc said.
“I know, but this food is so good!” Ren said, stuffing another mouthful of sausage into his mouth. Dco shook his head.

Joe stood at the end of the table, a thick book in his hands, he was leaning on the table, occasionally taking a mini cookie from the large bowl next to him. His eyes flicking across the pages quickly.

Some of Grian.s alter egos, Poultry man and Sherlock Grian,  were talking.
“So poultry man,” Sherlock said, “Any ideas where all the eggs covering 221g Baker street are coming from?”
“Err… no?” Poultry man said, shrugging his shoulders.
“Do you think any bird-based superhero might have something to do with it?” Sherlock pushed.
“Duck woman?” Poultry man said,
Sherlock just shook his head and smiled, “I know it was you poultry.”

Xisuma handed a present to keralis, who looked just as surprised to receive it as he usually did, He took the present and went to put it on the table full of presents and placed it down, as they had decided to open all presents all together later.

On the other side of the room Scar and Cub stood together talking when scar blushed and looked up at  a sprig of mistletoe that wasn’t there a moment ago. It was attached to a long fishing rod which was being held by Stress a few meters away. Scar threw his arms around Cub, who noticed the mistletoe and was now stood as stiff as a board. Scar smiled up at him, obviously trying to embarrass him further. Scar quickly stood up on tiptoes and kissed Cub on the cheek. Cub went right red and ran off, into one of the other rooms of the castle.

Stress was giggling like an idiot as she reeled in the mistletoe, she had finally managed to get them! EX was leaning on her shoulder, eating one of the cookies the she had provided for the buffet.

Cleo, Wels and Jevin where stood together, chatting like friends while the the ZIT team were collapsing into absolute chaos, Zedaph was laying on the floor with Tango sat on his back, pinning him down. Impulse was stood behind them, laughing his head off, Tango was cackling evilly and Zedaph was also laughing, while trying to get free.

Scar ran through the halls, trying to find where Cub had gone. Eventually he was found in one of the cellars of the castle, where it was absolutely freezing.
“Cub?” Scar said, seeing his best friend sitting on the floor between two shelves, “You alright?”
“Y-yeah. I’m ok…” Cub said.
“I’m sorry for teasing you… I know how embarrassed you are about… y’know.. Us?” Scar said, sitting down next to him.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s alright.” Cub said, smiling.
“It’s so cold down here… come on, do you want to go back?” Scar said.
“Not-not right now.” Cub said.
“Alright, but seriously, it’s freezing down here, come on, let’s go somewhere else.” Scar said, offering his hand to Cub, who took it after a moment’s hesitation.

They headed to the library and sat on the sofa Infront of the fire together.
That ending was bad, but otherwise I'm actually Very proud of this Oneshot :)

I hope you enjoyed!


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