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This is prompt 2 from the hermittpad recap prompts! I know it's two days late, hopefully i can get back on track

Prompt: angst/comfort


Impulse looked at the other two boomers, his shovels in his hands, Tango and Bdubs were discussing the machines they would use to blow up Cub’s mountains, Tango discussing the intricate machinery that he could build and the gunpowder he could provide.

“I’ll get sand for the TNT,” Impulse piped up, taking out some of the shulker boxes of sand he had.
“Oh yeah yeah great well done.” Tango said dismissively before going back to talking with Bdubs, Impulse looked at the floor, feeling slightly disheartened.


“Alright boomers!” Bdubs said, pacing back and forth in front of the table, “Our first job! You got sand Impulse?”
“Oh i have sand! I have lots of sand!” He said, “Many shulkers of sand.”
Impulse laid them out in front of him, looking proudly at the other two, switching his shovels at the same time.

Tango walked over to Bdubs, whispering to him, not even trying to hide the fact that they were talking about impulse.
“Do you really think we need him, he’s just another person to split the profit with when we could just dig sand ourselves…” Tango whispered to Bdubs, who nodded, glancing over at Impulse, whos bright smile was beginning to falter.
“Yeah, unless he can prove himself i dont think we need him here.” Bdubs said.
“G-guys! Uh-” In a last attempt at staying with the group he pulled out another shulker box, “I didn’t just get sand! I got these as well!”
Impulse pulled two bomber outfits out of the box (since Tango was already wearing one) and handed one of them to Bdubs.

“We can’t be proper boomers without the outfits… right?” Impulse said hopefully.


“Do you like them?” Impulse asked Bdubs after he had changed into his outfit, “Have I earned my place?”
Bdubs looked over his outfit for a second, “Well it's a bit tight… but sure, you can stay.”
Impulse let out a breath of relief he didn’t know he was holding and smiled, “Let’s go then!”


“Can I start it?” Impulse asked, looking at the machine at Cub’s pyramid.
“No, you let the experts handle this, shovel boy.” Bdubs said, stepping forward and pressing the button. Impulse looked down, holding his shovels in shame.


At their next job impulse finally got a chance to prove himself as part of the team. Tango and Bdubs let him build the machine in Ren’s shack to blow up down to bedrock, Impulse had done his best to prove to them that he was worth keeping on the team by building an impressive machine that would blast at whatever level they wanted.

“This is gonna work, right?” Ren asked nervously.
“It will!” Impulse replied, “It’ll be the most impressive machine ever!”
“O-ok dudes, I trust you, i guess-”

They sent the first batch of TNT down, it exploded perfectly as Impulse had intended, each boomer let out a few whoops at the success, Impulse was proud that he had made a contribution to the team that they finally appreciated.

"Can I do it?" Ren asked, now excited for the new contraption,
"Sure, just take some items out of the hopper and we'll be good to go!" Impulse said, trying his best to sound confident as Ren reached into the hopper and fiddled around with the things inside.
"So now I just press this button?"
"You sure do!" Impulse said, glancing over at Tango and Bdubs, who were watching him carefully as if assessing his every move. Ren reached forward and pressed the button.

And the TNT didn't fall, Ren panicked and tried grabbing items from the hopper but it was too late, the blast from the TNT destroyed the entire middle section of Ren's "Shack hole" and sending each of the four boys flying backwards, killing all of them in the blast and destroying all of their items.


"Impulse this is all your fault!" Bdubs said. He and Tango were stood on one side of the table in the boomer's shop, whilst impulse stood on the other, his head hung.
"I-I didn't mean for it to go like that-"
"If you hadn't have been trying to show off to us with some fancy contraption it wouldn't have happened!" Tango said scornfully.
"Now thanks to you we're probably never going to be hired again."

"But- But I didn't mean to! I told Ren what to do properly! I-" Impulse said, trying to reason with them.
"You shouldn't have let Ren use it in the first place, it should have been left to the trained professionals." Tango said.

"Impulse." Bdubs said, looking down at him, since he had stood up on a half slab just for this purpose.
"Y-yes?" Impulse squeaked, shrinking under his look, who knew the usually happy, excitable man could be so imposing.
"You're fired."
"I-I what? N-no please-" Impulse pleaded, hanging his head to hide his eyes brimming with tears, he knew he shouldn't get so upset over something as petty as this but he couldn't help it.


Impulse managed to get all the way back to his base before he broke down, crumpling to the ground in a heap at the base of a quartz pillar, sobbing.

They don't want you! you're useless! You were just a waste of space. not good enough


Tango flew to Impulse's base, thinking over what had happened in his head. Bdubs had been a little harsh, and Tango would be lying if he said he didn't see the tears in his best friend's eyes as he turned to walk away.

Although it had all been a joke between him and Bdubs saying that Impulse wasn't really part of the group, Tango couldn't help feeling like they'd gone too far.

He arrived in Impulse's grand quartz pyramid of a base and flew inside, looking around for his friend. He quickly found him, a sobbing mess on the floor, Tango quickly ran over, sinking to the floor next to him.

“Impulse…?” Tango said quietly, putting his hand on his friend’s shaking shoulders gently, more announcing his presence than anything else. Impulse sniffed and looked up at him with a tearstained face, trying to wipe the tears that were still falling with his sleeve.
“T-tango? Wh-why are y-you here?” Impulse stuttered shakily.
“I came to see if you were alright, Bdubs and me were a bit harsh on you, obviously you’re not so…” Tango said, “i apologise for how I acted towards you.”
Impulse was surprised, he wiped another tear, “I-It wasn’t y-y-your fault- I-I shouldn't-have let Ren ust the m-machine, I d-deserve to b-be fired, I j-just made a mess…”
“Oh come on, please don’t talk like that, you couldn’t have known it was going to happen and you couldn’t have done anything about it,” Tango said, opening his arms for a hug, “C’mere.”

“B-but-” Impulse said, looking up at him disbelievingly, Tango sighed and pulled his friend into a hug, wrapping his arms around Impulse protectively, Impulse buried his face in Tango’s chest, getting his jacket wet with tears as Tango rubbed reassuring circles on his back.

After a while Impulse stopped crying and simply held onto Tango as if he was scared to let go, Tango stayed with him, hugging him close.

“Thanks Tango…” Impulse murmured, Tango smiled,
“Don’t worry about it. You’re my friend, I shouldn’t have treated you like I did.” Tango replied, “I’m going to talk to Bdubs later, ok”
Impulse nodded gratefully, leaning on Tango, he let out a tired yawm, Tango laughed.
“Tired?” He asked, but impulse had already fallen asleep.


This one was so long ._. 1308 words, hopefully I can get back on track with these ._.

Hope you enjoyed


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