Hide and Seek (pt2)

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He was running through a dimly lit corridor, his footsteps echoing in the shadows, his stomach turning with fear.

A loud inhuman cackle sounded through the hallways, sending shivers down his spine.

He ducked into a room to his left, and looked around, seeing a closet he ran inside and closed the door, crouching on the floor.

He heard the cackling get closer, before a shriek of laughter, and the door opened.

Scar woke up with a yelp, the dream he had seemed so real, yet it was just a dream. Sunlight was streaming through the windows in the room,  he stood up slowly, remembering what had happened the night before. He made his way out of the room and back down the stairs, until he realised that he still had no way to get home.

He turned and walked back up the stairs, he may as well stay in this house until he found a way back, or he would just be killing himself. He decided that he would look around while it was light.

He found many bedrooms, and some more interesting rooms, one with a statue of a cat, which he liked a lot.

Even though Scar felt the thrill of adventure as he looked through the rooms if the mansion, he couldn't shake the feeling of fear poking at his mind, he still felt like he shouldn't be here, although he had found no signs of life.

(Many hours later)

Scar's footsteps sent up clouds of dust as he wandered through the corridors in the dark, he cursed himself that he hadn't thought to go back to the bedroom before it got too dark to see, and now he was feeling his way down the corridor, hoping to find something.

Scar almost jumped out of his skin, a cackle echoed through the halls, just like the one he'd heard in the dream. He looked around slowly, his eyes wide, he clasped his hands together to stop them shaking, and continued to walk, trying to find somewhere safe to hide.

The room he had ducked into was brighter than the hallway he had come from, but only just enough to see. The moon was full outside and it was casting an eerie grey light through the window, he looked around for somewhere to hide, he had got only a few steps into the room before he heard a loud swooshing sound behind him.

He whipped around, his hat going flying, to be face to face with a pair of creatures, much smaller than him, suspending themselves at scar’s eye level with small torn looking wings. Both creatures held iron swords, one in it’s right hand, and the other in it’s left, they were both smiling mischievously.

Scar staired, frozen in fear, he thought they looked kind of like pixies, but he knew exactly what they were, from the description of them in the stories his mother had told him, they were vexes.

He had never believed the stories, but how could he say they weren’t real when they were right in front of him? Neither he nor the vexes made any move to attack, only looking at each other, one of the Vexes said something to the other in what could only be their language, and Scar took his chance and dove past them, bolting through the door.

He ran down the pitch black corridor, doing his best not to crash into a wall. He tripped and fell, landing on his chest and probably bruising something, he felt around hurriedly, only to come to the gut wrenching conclusion that he had hit a dead end. He heard the cackling that he now knew belonged to the vexes getting closer. He shuffled back into the corner and curled his arms around his knees,

The cackling was so close now, and this time there was no escape, Scar saw a dimly glowing blue he shivered, there was no escaping this time.

The two Vexes came around the corner their small swords reflecting the dim light they emitted, Scar couldn't help but feel like this was the end, trapped, alone and scared with no defence against these creatures.

One Vex said something to the other and, before Scar could even try to run, they lunged at him and grabbed his arms, one each, and dragging him off into the shadows.

As he was dragged scar’s jacket snagged on a sharp floorboard and ripped, Scar whimpered in fear, he cried out in pain when something jagged cut his side, a deep cut that would need almost immediate medical attention, Scar let out a small sob just before his head hit on a corner and he blacked out.

Hope you enjoyed!

Also I updated the "notes on the hermits" chapter so go check that out! :3


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