Boyfriend From the Other Side of the Fence

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Grian waited at the edge of the fence to area77 . He was waiting, specifically, for Scar, who was currently 10 minutes and 23 seconds late. Grian was getting more and more nervous the later Scar got, what if he wasn't coming? What if-
"Grian?" Scar's voice interrupted Grian's thoughts as the man slipped through the fencing.
"Scar! Grian cheered, hugging his boyfriend, Scar smiled at him as he ruffled his hair,

"I thought you might not come..." Grian said.
"Of course i came." Scar said, "I was only late because Doc was lecturing me about security again."
"Aww," Grian said.
"Yeah, he was  mad that i let cub sneak off, but it's fine, but..." Scar looked slightly uneasy, "Are you sure it's ok for me to be here? Ren and impulse-"
"Don't worry about them, they're off doing who knows what, who knows where." Grian said, "They won't be back until later."
"Alright, if you say so." Scar said, before sneezing.
"Are you ok?" Grian asked him.
"I'm fine, it's just my allergies," Scar said, "The flowers..."
"Oh! Right! I forgot, i'm sorry..." Grian said, "Here,"
Grian took off all the flowers he was wearing and put them carefully on a fence post, Scar looked surprised.

"You didn't have to do that." Scar said, looking at Grian somewhat gratefully.
"Yes i did." Grian said, "I don't wanna hug you if you're sneezing all over me."
Scar laughed, "what now? We can't just hang around by the fence."
"Come on! We'll go the the garden, there's less flowers there!" Grian grabbed Scar's wrist and lead him further into the hippie commune.

The two sat down on a wooden bench overlooking the beautiful vegetable garden, Grian quickly nestled his face into Scar's neck, Scar wrapped his arm around Grian's shoulders and stroked his hair, Grian yawned like a cat.
"Tired?" Scar asked teasingly.
"Kinda...i was up late working on a project..." Grian said.
"Go to sleep then, I'll wake you up in a bit." Scar said, with a small smile. Grian closed his eyes and fell asleep on Scar's shoulder, soon after, although he tried to stay awake, Scar fell asleep as well.

(a couple hours later)

Ren and impulse trudged back into the hippie commune, both of them weighed down by an assortment of musical instruments that they had been collecting for the concert stage, when they both carefully dumped their load they turned to eachother and smiled.
"Nice work brother." Ren said, putting a hand on impulse's shoulder.
"Same to you, now i could do with some sleep." Impulse said.
"Couldn't have said it better myself." Ren said, heading further into the commune. Towards the RVs.
"Come through the garden, it's quicker." Impulse said, heading towards the vegetable garden. Ren nodded and followed.

Impulse stopped in the middle of the path, Ren didn't notice and almost bumped into him.
"You ok man?" Ren said.
"Yes, I'm fine, but look."
Ren peeked around impulse to see Scar and Grian, asleep together on the bench that they had set up, and he now realised why impulse had stopped, What the hell is he doing here? What is grian doing with him?

"What the heck man?" Ren whispered, "What do we do?"
"We should wake them up, question why Scar's here, and why he's with Grian." Impulse said.
"No, wait, Scar'll just call Doc, they might put us in a cell or something, we should wait until they wake up, Scar leaves then talk to Grian about it." Ren said.
Impulse nodded, "Alright. But Grian is going to get a stern talking to."
"I agree." Rwn said as they carried on through the garden.

(Another few hours later)

Scar woke up, his head fuzzy from sleep, Grian was still clinging to him, asleep curled around him like a cat, Scar poked him lightly to wake him up.
"Ehblegg" Grian mumbled.
"Grian, wake up!* Scar whispered, then he sneezed, making Grian jump.
"Hehe," scar said, sneezing again, "At least that woke you up."
Scar looked around and noticed flowers everywhere, little blue ones, he sneezed again.

"What are these doing here?" Scar said, picking up one for the flowers.
"Y-you should go, Ren did his, i can tell." Grian said, standing up.
Scar looked worried, though grian found it hard not to laugh as he sneezed over and over again.
"Yeah-" he sneezed, "I should go..."
"Ok, goodbye Scar."

Scar quickly made is way out of the Hippie commune, sneezing as he went and slipped back into Area 77, Grian watched as he went until he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see Ren and Impulse stood there behind him, looking somewhat annoyed.

"You have some explaining to do." Impulse said firmly, Ren nodded.
"What were you thinking? Letting him in here?" Ren said.
"I-" Grian said, but stopped, he didn't know what to say, he didn't know if he should tell them about his relationship with Scar.
"Well?" Ren said, "Explain yourself Grian."
"W-well, m-me and Scar were h-hanging out... A-and we fell asleep...* Grian said, as briefly as he could.
"Well that much was obvious." Impulse said.
"Now I know why you stayed behind when we went to get supplies!" Ren said angrily, "You weren't guarding the commune from the enemy! You were inviting them straight into our territory!"
"I-i'm sorry! I... I d-didn't mean to upset you guys..." Grian said.
"Maybe you should have thought about that before you invited him in here!?" Ren said, raising his voice.

(In Area 77)

"Where were you yesterday?" Doc asked Scar.
"Watching the hippies." Scar replied, absent mindedly, when a yell from the direction of the Hippie commune caught his attention.
"I'm going to go patrol the border." Scar said.
"Alright." Doc said, "See you later."

Scar headed straight for the section of fence that bordered the Hippie commune, here he could hear more shouting, and someone was crying.
Weird... Scar thougjh, deciding go quickly slip through the fence.

Scar crept up into the garden, holding his nose to force himself not to sneeze, he could see Ren and Impulse standing in front of Grian, who's shoulders were slumped, his face glistened with tears. Ren and Impulse were attacking him with words, yelling at him, obviously about what had happened yesterday. Scar felt himself getting more and more angry, how dare they yell at him, this was the sort of thing he could have expected from Doc, not the hippies.

Scar couldn't stand the look on Grian's face. He stood up from hiding and stepped closer.
"Hey." Scar said, the three hippies turned to face him, Ren and Impulse had anger written across their faces and Grian's held a look of fear, he mouthed Scar's name.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Ren said to Scar.
"You're not welcome." Impulse said.
"This doesn't concern you-"
"You guys have made my boyfriend cry, i think this does concern me." Scar replied.
"That doesn't make you're allowed to be here- wait, boyfriend!?" Ren said.
"Yes, boyfriend, and you don't have the authority to tell me where I am and am not welcome." Scar said.

Scar pushed past the two hippies to grian, who wiped his face with his sleeve and looked up at him, Scar hugged him, not caring that the other two were watching.
"Hey, it's ok, I'm here." Scar said as Grian buried his face in Scar's shirt, starting to cry again, Scar stroked his hair gently, calming him down.

Scar looked up over Grian's head at the other two hippies, they were glaring at him, not saying anything but obviously not happy, scar glared back at them with such ferocity that they almost reeled back in surprise.
"Uh, we're just gonna... leave you two be, see ya." Ren said, running off, quickly followed by Impulse.

Scar smiled at Grian,
"Hey, do you wanna go do something?" Scar asked him.
"Sure." Grian said, smiling, "We could go to Sahara Eats, then play minigames!"
"Sounds fun." Scar agreed.
"I'll pay." They both said at he same time, Scar chuckled.
"Grian-" He started.
"No! I wanna pay for you!" Grian said.
"Grian, I'm too rich for my own good, let me pay."Scar said, putting his hands on Grian's shoulders.

"Ok fiiine." Grian said, "Now let's go!" Grian looped his arm through Scar's and began to drag him towards Hermit Land
"Ok ok! Calm down!" Scar said, steadying himself and walking next to Grian.

The two went around Hermit Land, enjoying all the games they could play, they enjoyed their time together before they had to part ways again.

The end.

Terrible ending to a nice angsty Oneshot. I mean, surely you expect that by now?

Just a quick question because I'm sorta stuck a bit on my kingdomCraft crossover, which of the members of KingdomCraft would Iskall be friends with?

Anyways I hope you enjoyed!


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