Day 5 : Flannel

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(sorry these are late, I keep forgetting to post them)

some good ol' Rendoc


"Where is it!" Ren said to himself, rummaging through his closet for the fifth time, he was looking for a certain flannel shirt that he bought last year and had never worn.

He sighed and went to look around his bedroom again, upon not finding it, he grabbed his phone and shot a quick message to the group chat.

Rendog > Hey, anyone seen my shirt?

There was a stream of all different forms of "no" in the chat, Ren sighed.


"Griannnn-" Ren yelled, running into the hermit's house, Grian turned to face him, giving him a confused look.


"Hey G! are you sure you haven't seen my shirt? I can't find it anywhere." Ren said, slightly out of breath.

Grian hummed, thinking for a second before shrugging, "I have no idea, ask Etho, maybe he knows something."


"No clue, Ask Beef." the ninja shrugged as Ren sighed and nodded.

"Thanks Etho, cya." Ren said, running off as Etho waved s slightly confused goodbye.


"Haven't seen it, sorry man." Beef said, "Maybe you could ask Wels?"

Ren gave a frustrated sigh, before nodding and running off, this was to feel like a wild goose chase.


"Have- you seen my-" Ren said, before getting interrupted.

"I haven't. Ask Cub, he seems to know everything." Wels said with a small sorry smile.

"Thanks Wels." Ren nodded, trying to remain optimistic as he ran off in the direction of Cub's base.


"You could file a missing report with the enforcer-" Cub said casually, leaning on the wall of his pyramid, "Or you could take it up with the mayor."

Ren dragged a hand down his face, uttering a frustrated "thanks cub" before heading for the shopping district, his irritation starting to show.


"Rendog! what do you want with the great mayor!" Scar called in his "mayor voice" from the top of the diamond throne.

"have you seen my flannel shirt?" Ren yelled back up at the mayor, Scar shook his head.

"I have not! but my Campaign Captain, Bdubs, may be able to help you!" Scar yelled, Ren nodded and bolted for the stairs, running up to Bdubs' office.


"Haven't seen it. actually- maybe I have," Bdubs said, a thoughtful look on his face, "It might not be yours but I did see Doc with a flannel shirt."

"Thanks Bdubs!" Ren called, already halfway down the stairs before Bdubs could call a goodbye.


"Doc!' Ren yelled, appearing at the half mansion, The creeper hybrid appeared, wearing the flannel shirt that Ren had spent all day running around the server to find.

"Hey Ren!" Doc said, leaning on the doorframe.

"Hey- hey Doc! you're- why are you wearing my shirt?" Ren said, barely able to stop his gawking, Doc did look good in that shirt...

"Oh this?" Doc smirked, tugging on the shirt little, Ren nodded, "Oh yeah, I stole it from your closet a little while ago, you never noticed."

"I-" Ren shoved Doc, not particularly knowing what to say, Doc laughed and playfully shoved back.

"We both know I look good in this shirt.' Doc said with a small chuckle, Ren pouted, but nodded

"I can't lie, you do look good in the shirt." Ren said with a sigh, before his eyes glinted with shimmer of mischief, "Now, as punishment for stealing my shirt, you're coming with me."

With that, Ren gabbed Doc's wrist and dragged him off, causing the creeper to yelp in surprise before hurriedly following after.

Ren brought him back to his base, making Doc sit on a couch bsfore running off to grab something from the cupboard, he came back with a bundle of flannel blankets I his arms.

He sat down next to him before throwing the blankets over them and snuggling into Doc's side. Doc made a quiet noise, a mix of surprise and confusion, as he carefully put an arm around Ren's shoulders,

Doc smiled as Ren let out a soft purr and pulled the blankets up around them and leaning back.

he doubted he'd get to leave until the morning and he was fine with that.



hope you enjoyed!


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