Day 3: Christmas Lights

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Iskall and Stress were busy hanging up hundreds of strings of brightly coloured christmas lights all over the iceberg biome which they called their home,they had so far lit up about three quarters of this and now were doing the last area nearest the main island.

This festive decoration had been Stress’s idea, and neither of them had quite realised how big the biome actually was, but, although they had been at this for hours, they were still having fun.

“Bet you can’t catch me!” Stress yelled, running past Iskall trailing a short string of lights.

“Oh you’re on!” Iskall yelled, dropping his string of lights and running after her. They dodged around smaller icebergs, and slipped and slid over the ice, Iskall chasing Stress, right on her tail the whole way but she was just out of reach.

As they ran through the areas of the icebergs that they had already decorated they realised how beautiful it made the area, Iskall noticed Stress beginning to slow down and he sped up. He caught her and they both fell to the floor.

“Gottem’!” Iskall yelled, before scrambling up again, they were both laughing like buffoons,”Now you have to get me!”

Iskall bolted off in the opposite direction, Stress hot on his heels.

“Im gonna get cha!” she yelled, leaping forwards. Iskall dodged and Stress went sliding off on her stomach. Stress yelped, she was about to slide right off of the edge of the ice into the water.

“Stress no!” Iskall yelled, jumping after her, also sliding towards the water, Stress 

Iskall slid across the ice and crashed into Stress, pushing them both into the icy water. 

“Iskall! What did you do that for!?” stress said,  laughing and splashing around in the water.

"I was trying to save you!" Iskall said. Laughing.

"Well now we need to get out of here!" Stress said, swimming back towards the ice. Iskall followed her. And they both crawed onto the ice. 

"Come to my castle, we can warm up." Stress said, taking Iskall's arm as dragging him in the direction of her castle.

"Ok then…" Iskall said, following behind her. 

They rounded the last corner to get to Stress's castle and Iskall stopped.

"Oh my god…" Iskall said. Stress's castle was brightly lit up with so many strings of fairy lights, they were stringing off of the castle and attaching to the icebergs, leaving almost a canopy of brightly coloured lights. The actual castle was decorated with green and red and silver and gold, there was a giant spruce tree outside in the courtyard which was strung with lights and sparkly, colourful ornaments which looked like they could be made of ice. 

"Wow…" Iskall said, "this is dedication of doom."  

Stress laughed, "It took me a while, come on, I'll get us some towels."

I hope you enjoyed :)

More tomorrow!


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