Evil gone Good (3)

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I looked up sharply when someone tripped over me in the dark. I looked around quickly to see the person sprawled out on the floor, they were pushing themselves up so I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up with my helmet under my arm.

"EX?" They said, my eyes adjusted to see that it was X. I looked down to hide my face and the colour of my eyes, I hated their vivid red colour, It just made people more scared than they already were, which is why I wear the helmet.

Xisuma’s POV

I turned around to see EX standing there, head down with his helmet off, It was the first time I had seen him without it since we first got the armour.

“EX?” I yelled.

“I know why you’re here.” He said sadly, “Just ban me already."

“Ban you?” I asked, I looked at him, he was stood rigid, not moving at all, his voice was quiet, unlike usual, “Why would I ban you?”

“Because that’s what you always do,” EX said, his voice wavered as if he’d been crying.

“EX, look at me,” I said, he shook his head, “Come on, please?” EX lifted his head, I stared for a second, I had forgotten how his eyes looked in the years that I hadn’t seen them, his face was red and splotchy like he’d been crying, 

“What?” EX said, turning his face away from me again, “Why are you staring at me?”

Without a word, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around my brother, I knew that he had never been the type for hugs but I felt that that was all I could do. EX stood rigid for a moment before relaxing and slowly putting his arms around my back.

“I’m sorry…” I whispered, only just managing not to let tears fall down my face, I had hurt him so much, without even realising it. 

“Me too,” EX replied. I pulled away from the hug and held him at arms length, my face full of surprise..

“What do you have to be sorry for?” I asked.

“Generally trying to make your life hell.” He replied. I laughed and I saw the hint of a smile on his face too.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said.

“EX? X? Are you guys in here?” I heard Stress yell, I noticed EX quickly put his helmet back on, then brush my hands off of his shoulders.

“We’re here!” I yelled up. 

“Oh good! You’ve been gone a while is all.” Stress said, “What happened?” 

“Not too much,” I said, “But I apologised to EX and I’ve decided he can officially join the server.”

EX looked me, shock evident in his eyes before Stress had bolted down the stairs and tackled him in a hug.

“Have some cookies!” Stress said, throwing cookies at both of us, o caught one of them and held it while another one hit the side of my helmet.

“Stress, calm down!” I said, looking around at the wasted cookies that had landed on the floor, I saw that EX had an armful of them.

“Well! EX if you need anywhere to stay while you get some sort of base then feel free to come to my ice castle! It’s always open to friends!” She said.

“Thank you Stress,” EX said I could see his eyes light up in a smile.

“Well, I'll be in the shopping district if you need me love!” Stress said. Jumping up the staircase out of the cave.

Once Stress was gone EX took off his helmet again and took a bite of one of the cookies.

"These are the best cookies I've ever had." He commented, cramming the rest of the cookie into his mouth.

"Of course they are." I said, smiling.

I know that was a really lame ending lol.

I hope you enjoyed my first short story! More to come soon ;)


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