Part 100, tag, explanation and something else :D

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right hello people!

I've been tagged by Netrixisme :D

there are some rules which I just screenshotted from their book because I'm lazy lol

there are some rules which I just screenshotted from their book because I'm lazy lol

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im just kinda scared of number 5 eek


1: already did

2: this is the same day I got tagged :D

3: uh-

1: I wear glasses too thick to be made into contacts

2: I hate eating potatoes

3: I love thunderstorms way too much for my heath, thunder is one of the best comforts for me, it feels like a hug.

4: one of my favourite places to be is a forest Because they're so pretty and calming like yes-

5: I'm part of the hermittpad Recap, you probably didn't know that because I never do anything lol.

6: I want my hair cut short but my mum won't let me

7: I'm pansexual polyromantic and 100% a girl :D

8: following on from 7 I have two beautiful girlfriends uwu

9: people can say what they want about me, I don't give a damn lol, but please don't hate Because it's not nice :)

10: my favourite food is chicken burritos I love them and I could eat them all day long.

4: uhhhhh

King_Goose (beautiful girlfriend 1)
_Skyean (beautiful girlfriend 2)
Viola_halogen (beautiful irl best friend)
hapyhappiness (Amazing person I wish I could hug irl)
WitchyTheBartender (best mom uwu)
Jeina58 (Amazing friend and cult leader)
FandomsUnite05 (Amazing writer and beautiful person)
_adrilia_ (You're just awesome idk what else to say)
Ariyaquila (AAAAAH I love your books and you need more appreciation)
Casuallyy (you're awesome :D)
athena363636 (you basically carry the recap what would we do without you-)

yes that's only 11 people but oh well-

my life
that's a joke
I'm so funny
help me-

6: a spoier-
spoiler for a mini series ahead uwu


"A large group of people who write fanfiction about us and are probably not sane." Cub said.

"Right, yes, thank you Cub, anyway." X continued, "I want to find out what this place is, mainly out of curiosity."

"They panicked as soon as they saw us, how are we supposed to investigate if we can't even get in." Scar pointed out the obvious flaw, these people wouldn't let a hermit within twenty metres of their fanfiction.

"What if we used disguises?" Grian piped up from the crowd.

"We could go undercover!" Etho suggested.

"Both are good ideas, we can't have many of us go, they'd get suspicious if too many new people came at once..." X trailed off in thought.


7: already done :3


now for the explanation.

mainly the reason I haven't published anything since June 24th.

So, what im doing is writing oneshots and then not publishing them

I have about 5 now I think

I'm saving them up to publish them all in one go

because I want to

I'm going camping at the end of July, so I'm going to publish all of the oneshots I've written up to that point then,

I genuinely don't know why I'm doing this but oh well lol.



So! listen up peeps!

since this is chapter 100 of my book, I'd like to thank ALL of you, every single one.

thank you so much for helping me get this far, this book has 45k reads, like what the heck?? that's so many, I never thought I'd see that kind of number in any of my books and it genuinely means the world to me.

I love you all so much (platonically of course) and I care about every single person reading this.

I love seeing people's comments, and joining in conversations with you guys,  it makes me smile every single time

I don't know where I'd be without wattpad honestly, it's been over a year since I first got the app and I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like without it.

I wouldn't be writing whenever I felt like it because there would be no purpose to,I probably would be bored out of my mind half the time.

Hermittpad is probably one of the best things that's happened to me, honestly, this is the most amazing community ive ever had the honour of being a part of, I love this community so much and I hope it never loses the amazing things it has.

I've met some people here who I consider closer to my heart than people I know irl, I've met people who I hope to never forget. I've been part of hermittpad for about 8 months now and it feels like a lifetime. I have more online friends than I do irl friends and I hope I never lose them.

this turned into a ramble didn't it, oh well :D


well, this is the end of chapter 100, for those of you reading to the end, I appreciate it <3

but also, If you've got this far, feel free to ask me anything, here and now, I'll do my best to answer honestly unless of course it's personal, but go ahead, if there's anything you want to know, ask it.


hope everyone enjoyed and continues enjoying

-Ash <3

PS: wow this thing turned out longer than half my oneshots what's wrong with me-

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