Hide and Seek

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I'm so sorry for not updating for so long ;-;

I've been writing this, actually, its been taking a while, especially since this story has multiple parts!

Hope you enjoy :3

Vexes were a legend, No-one knew where the story had originated from, but now it was just a story used by parents to scare children into behaving. No-one knew if the stories were true or not, Because no-one who ever went into the dark woods came back out.


Scar grew up in a large house in the countryside, surrounded by miles of woods in each direction.

Although Scar lived quite a high class life he was trained to defend himself constantly, the threats this world carried weren't to be taken lightly.

He often went out into the woods when he had a free day, he would go out exploring at sunrise and only return when the sun began to set, brimming with joy about how he climbed a tree or saw an animal.

But after a few days in the woods, Scar would have a very different story to tell.


The fateful day started like any other day of adventure. He packed his satchel full of food that he stole from the kitchen, grabbed a diamond sword from the armoury, and set off into the forest.

After a few hours of walking Scar came across a part of the forest where the trees got thicker and darker, the atmosphere was gloomy, Scar didn't realize he had come this far.

He sat down at the foot of an oak tree and took a sandwich out of his satchel, he kept glancing up into the dark woods. He knew he shouldn't go in there, he had been told stories of people who had gone in and never come back, but he was curious, and possibly too brave for his own good.

Scar stood up, and walked to the border, he stepped a foot over. He looked around, when nothing happened, he stepped another foot forward.

He took a few more cautious steps into the forest, it was dark, as if the sun was setting, he continued to walk, for a few hours before he looked behind him, only to see that the oak forest behind him had disappeared completely.

Feeling slightly disoriented, he turned around now not knowing which direction he had come from nor which way he was going. He realised with a jolt that the sun was going down.

Quickly finding a tree with a few low hanging branches, he climbed up clumsily, to the top so he could see above the leaves. He could see quite far in every direction, except he still couldn’t see where he came from, Surely he couldn’t have walked so far in only a few hours?

Giving up on looking for a way home, Scar looked over the forest for some form of shelter. Not too far away he could see a large mansion, looming ominously over the trees, he could make out grand windows lined in stone with walls made from the same dark wood as the trees in this forest. He began to climb down, deciding that the mansion was his best chance at shelter.

Carefully picking his way down the tree, Scar made his way in the direction of the mansion, by this point he was tired and hungry, but he didn’t dare stop before he got where he was going, in fear of what could be lurking in the foliage.

After what felt like hours of walking scar found himself stood in front of the large, imposing mansion, it looked almost haunted now, he could see large cobwebs through the open door, a grand, curving staircase which was carpeted in faded red wool carpet with a white trim. The corridors leading out of the grand entrance hall were almost completely black, there was no way Scar would be exploring this mansion at night.

Scar felt his stomach knot uncomfortably, something didn’t feel right about this, he felt like he shouldn’t be here, but it was the only good shelter for a long way, so he would have to deal with it. He got all of his courage together and stepped into the mansion, instantly thrown into shadow, now without even the moon’s light.

Scar noticed an unlit lantern hanging on the wall of the mansion just inside of the door, he lifted it off of the hook with difficulty and inspected it.

Inside of the lantern was enough wax to burn so Scar dug around in his satchel to find a flint n' steel he had left there after going camping, he found it and lit the lantern, illuminating the dark halls.

He headed straight for the staircase, assuming any bedrooms this place might have would be upstairs, the stairs creaked loudly with every step and each creak sent shivers down his spine, even with the warm glow of the lantern.

Scar went into the first bedroom he saw, not stopping to check any other rooms for something better, he shut and bolted the door behind him, he didn't want to take any chances.

Scar walked over to the bed and sat down, he pulled his satchel onto his lap and grabbed a pie from inside, eating it quickly, he then cutlled up on the bed and fell into an uneasy sleep.

This one's going to be in multiple parts :3

Sorry I haven't updated in like a week, I've been busy drawing and writing this.


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