Undercover pt 1 - The Beginning

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This oneshot is a follow-on from Welcome to Hellmittpad. 

“Thank you, everyone, for coming here, we have an… abnormal matter to talk about today.” Xisuma said, standing on the stairs of the town hall, Cub and Scar stood either side of him.

“It has been brought to my attention that, a few months ago, Scar and Cub came across a… place- uh- a community? Of people who…” Xisuma was struggling a little finding the right words, so Cub stepped in.

“A large group of people who write fanfiction about us and are probably not sane.” Cub said.

“Right, yes, thank you Cub, anyway.” X continued, “I want to find out what this place is, mainly out of curiosity.”

“They panicked as soon as they saw us, how are we supposed to investigate if we can’t even get in.” Scar pointed out the obvious flaw, these people wouldn’t let a hermit within twenty metres of their fanfiction.

“What if we used disguises?” Grian piped up from the crowd.

“We could go undercover!” Etho suggested.

“Both are good ideas, we can’t have many of us go, they’d get suspicious if too many new people came at once…” X trailed off in thought.


Twenty minutes later and a small group of hermits were standing next to the hub portal, each of the four were wearing some sort of disguise, Wels had switched out his armour for a grey oversized hoodie and blue jeans, although a little hesitantly.

“I look stupid, and I feel vulnerable,” Wels complained, tugging at the hoodie, “Why is it so big?”

“You’ve got it good.” Etho muttered, folding his arms, his hair falling over his eyes since he’d had to ditch the headband that kept it in place though he’d refused to take off his mask, he had a dark blue hoodie and he’d pulled the hood up over his head.

“Nah you look cool.” Iskall huffed, the hermits didn’t exactly know what to do with his blue mechanical eye, so they’d just replaced it with an eyepatch, “I look like a freaking pirate.”

“If you want to look like a pirate, Iskall, I can do that.” Cleo said, rolling her eyes, she and Grain had been helping them with the disguises. 

“Put this on.” Grian called, tossing Iskall a suit that looked like mumbo’s but a navy blue colour. 

“Oh great! Now I get to look like a pirate fused with Mumbo” 

“Iskall it’s not permanent. you’ll just have to live with it for a while.” Wels sighed, sticking his hands in his pockets, the three were now just waiting for Xisuma to come out of the closet.

“What’s taking him so long?” Iskall asked just as X stepped out, he had a black mask covering most of his face, similar to Etho’s and his mop of hair was flopping down over his forehead so only his purple eyes were visible, he was wearing a green bomber jacket and grey jeans with combat boots, and he looked incredibly uncomfortable.

“Maybe you guys could just go without me?” X said, a little hopefully.

“Hold on, you got us into this, you’re staying.” Iskall said, “Now where exactly is it that we need to go?”

“Before you go, you’re forgetting one thing.” Cleo reminded them, “Code names!”

Iskall groaned, “You’re not serious-”

“You think you can go in there and say, “Hey Im Iskall” and expect them to not know exactly who you are?” Grian said, coming over with a parrot on his shoulder.

“He’s right Iskall, we need new names-” Wels nodded.

“Well I’ll be Bee, simple and easy to remember and not close to my name.” X said, Cleo nodded and looked at the other three.

“I’ll be Snow then.” Etho said, going with X’s logic of easy and simple. Cleo nodded again, turning her attention to Wels.

Wels shrugged, “If we going nature then i'll be Rocky.” 

“Rocky?” Cleo asked.

“Yes.” Wels agreed with a nod.

“Ok then, Iskall?”

Iskall thought for a few moments, before Grian interrupted his thinking.

“Iskall hurry up,”

“I’m thinking!” Iskall said, “What about Slime boy-”

“Sure-” X said with a shrug, “Bee, Snow, Rocky and Slime Boy-”

“Sounds good, now all that's left is for you to go!” Cleo said happily, “See you guys around, good luck!”

And with that the four were pushed through into the hub, armed with only the map Scar had given them, showing where this “HErmittpad” might be.

“Right, I guess we go then.” X said, opening the map and studying it for a second before heading off into the unknown with the others following behind him.


Some people were looking forward to this one I know

The hermittpadders will probably be introduced next chapter in this series uwu

hope you enjoyed


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