Day 12: Mistletoe

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Aka: I let my brain do what it wants again.

Mistletoe, the plant that every pair of friends, enemies and even lovers that everyone on the hermitcraft server was afraid of at Christmas time.

This fear was very real for Cub and Scar this year. More for Cub than Scar, because Scar loved teasing his best friend anyway, this was just another excuse.

Just a few days earlier they had found out from Grian, a friendly warning, that Stress was coming for them this year. And that she was determined to get them.

Around Christmas, Stress seemed to change personality completely. She went from being calm and patient to hyper and impulsive. She also went crazy with shipping and she always goes for a different two hermits each year.

Last year it was Grian and Doc, and she had succeeded in finally managing to get them to kiss under the mistletoe at the christmas party she hosts every year, by sneakily placing it above them while they were getting some food, even if it was only on the cheek, a success in Stress' book.

Scar and Cub were already taking measures to avoid that awkward situation. They had decided already not to go anywhere together in public, apart from emergencies, just to avoid Stress catching them together.

GoodtimeswithScar: Cub I need help!
Cubfan135: What with?
GoodtimeswithScar: Please just come!
Cubfan135: Is it that urgent?
GoodtimeswithScar: Yes! Help me I’m at Sahara!

Stress read these messages in her castle, and smiled, this was her chance! They had been avoiding each other all december and they had forgotten to keep those messages private! This is perfect! Stress thought, going quickly around her chests, grabbing her elytra, some fireworks and of course, her mistletoe.a

---- (At Sahara)

“Scar? Scar are you here?” Cub called, “Are you ok?”
“I-I’m over here Cub!” Cub heard a timid yell. From somewhere below him. Cub was confused but he ran up to the interface just to almost fall into a very long hole.
“Scar?” Cub called.
“I’m down here Cub!” Cub heard Scar call from down the hole.
“What happened?” Cub asked.
“I was- I was going to buy sea lanterns from Sahara… We weren’t in stock and I couldn’t be bothered ot go to the guardian farm,” Scar said, “Anyway, the chest was demise trapped, the trap didn’t kill me, I don’t think it was finished, but I don’t have a pickaxe or any blocks so I can’t get out.”
“Oh.” Cub said, “I’ll go get some blocks to throw down to you, I’ll be right back.”
“Ok!” Scar called.

Cub found an ender chest and retrieved a shulker box full of blocks. He ran back to Sahara and threw the box down to Scar who caught it.
“Thanks Cub!” Scar yelled, beginning to pillar up. When he was close enough Cub reached down and pulled Scar up.
“Thanks-” Scar said before going silent, “Stay… Very… Still…”
Scar took out his crossbow and loaded it up with rockets. He raised it quietly to the second floor and shot it. The rockets exploded with a bang and there was a terrified female squeal.
“Quick Cub! Run!” he yelled, grabbing Cub’s arm and running out of Sahara, dragging a stunned Cub behind him.

They ran around a corner, looking for a place to hide,
“Over here!” Scar said, pointing to the giant pile of bird poop.
“Just trust me!” Scar said, running over the diorite made to look like poop and into a very well hidden diorite cave.
“Oh.” Cub said, “I did not know this existed.”
Sca nodded, grabbing some diorite out of the shulker box on the wall and blocking up the entrance.
“I think this was built ages ago.” Scar said, “I dont know why, I just found it a while ago, but it’ll be a safe place to hide.”
Cub nodded and put down some stone bricks, placing a cake on top of it.
Scar laughed, “Well at least we aren’t going to starve.”
Cub smiled at Scar and took a piece of cake.
“Come to Concorp!”Cub said, holding up his cake, “We have cake!”
Scar burst out laughing so hard that he almost dropped his cake.
“That should be a slogan.” Scar said still laughing.

The end.
--That ending was really bad...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed

I'm not wearing my glasses right now so I can't see a thing, luckily I know a phone keyboard almost off by heart.


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