I don't want to hurt them...

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Just going to say that it's been ages since I watched Evo so I can't remember everything. 

This was requested by someone on discord but I don't know your Wattpad user so I can't tag u :(


Grian was in a dark room, there were three Watchers in front of him and one holding him from behind. 

They were going to give him powers, powers he didn't want, powers he didn't need.

Grian pleaded with the Watchers, asking them what he did to deserve this. They never spoke or gave him any answers. 

Under the dark purple robe that the watchers had forced him to wear, Grian held a sword.

The Watchers were almost done with the ritual when Grian swung the sword behind him, slashing the Watcher's robes and forcing the watcher to let go of him. 

Grian thrust the sword into the Watcher's stomach.

The Watcher died…

… And Evo fell apart.



Grian jolted awake, he looked down at himself, he was wearing his regular red sweater. He looked around to see that he was in his base in hermitcraft and sighed in relief.

"Grian! Grian are you ok?" Said a panicked voice from somewhere behind him. Grian turned around to see Mumbo with a panicked expression.

"I-i'm fine Mumbo… just had a bad dream." Grian said, sitting up. 

“Thank god.” Mumbo said, “I was flying past your base and I heard you scream, I was so worried.”

//You will pay Grian\\

Grian jumped at the monotone voice in his head. He shook his head.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Mumbo asked.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Grian replied.


Mumbo left Grian’s base a little while later and Grian lay back down on his bed, thinking about the dream. It was a reminder, and a warning, he was sure about it. 

As Grian was falling asleep, he saw a dark purple blur, then everything went black.


Grian woke up chained to a wall in a white room, similar to the infinity room in his base. He was wearing Watcher clothes again, and there was a sign.

“Don’t worry Grian. If you don’t put up a fight we won’t hurt your new friends. - The Watchers.

As soon as Grian read the sign three Watchers, the same ones from Evo, appeared in front of him. Grian tried to yell but soon realised that he couldn’t make a sound.

The words on the sign changed, now saying, “Don’t resist.” and Grian stopped struggling against the chains.

The room changed to a black one, a ritual circle in the centre, and Grian was chained to the middle of it. The three Watchers surrounded him, doing some sort of magic.

Purple smoke surrounded Grian, and once it cleared, Grian saw that the Watcher’s had vanished and he was back in his base, the only thing that showed that what had happened was real was the fact that he was still wearing the Watcher robe.

Grian knew what the ritual had done, he knew he had watcher magic, so he left a sign and flew away as far as he could, he had to learn to control the Watcher magic or he might destroy hermitcraft.


Grian was about 37,876 blocks away from the old lands, and he had gone the opposite direction from Hermitville. 

He began experimenting with the magic, to see what it did and what he needed to do to control it before he hurts someone. 

Grian sighed and put the white mask on his face. It immediately moulded to fit him and bound to him, as it had curse of binding. He knew the mask was never coming off now, as a Watcher's death was permanent. 


Doc headed to Grian's base, the hermit had been missing for over a week and everyone was worried about him.  

Landing in Grian's base the first thing he noticed was a sign.

To whoever,
I've gone away for 
A week so please don't
look for me. -G

Doc was confused, if Grian was leaving for a week, why hasn't he told X? And why was he showing as online in the communicator? Doc felt that there was something very wrong here, it didn't help that he had a strange feeling that someone was watching him here. Doc shuddered and flew out of Grian's base. 


Doc began searching for Grian, he had flown for two days straight before he came across a large area of corrupted terrain. Which looked similar to the Far Lands, (if you know what this is I salute you!)

Doc stood at the edge of the messed up terrain and contemplated flying through it. What if Grian is trapped in there? Doc thought, He made his decision and flew up, he skimmed over the top of the terrain, which reached build height. Doc noticed that you could see the void in some places, what- or who -ever did this must be very powerful to break bedrock, Doc had to find Grian quickly.


After flying back and forth over the huge mass of corrupted world he saw what looked like a small area, free from corruption, what seemed like it was almost in the centre of the mass.

Doc gracefully flew down to the bottom, having the Far Lands-like terrain all around him was strangely ominous and the area of void surrounding the platform was terrifying, but what caught his attention most of all was the figure sobbing in the centre of the platform.

He slowly approached them. The person was lying sideways on the ground.  They had dark purple wings which reminded Doc of Grian's, but a different colour, which were wrapped around the figure like a cocoon, they had a white mask covering the top half of their face, barely visible through their arms, and messy light brown hair. 

Doc noted that they were crying purple tears as he crouched over them, They hadn't noticed him yet.

"Hello?" Doc said, making himself known, They looked up.

"D-Doc?" They asked, through sniffles, "W-what are you doing here?"


"Doc!" Grian yelled, jumping up so fast that Doc almost fell backwards in shock, "Y-you can't be here! You have to leave! You can't- I can't- please... get away from here!" 

"No Grian." Doc said, the shorter hermit looked up at him, "Everyone is worried sick about you, I'm taking you back."

"No! Nonono! I can't go back! Not until I can control it!" Grian yelled, breaking down again, "I-I don't want to hurt Y-uou guys." 


I hope y'all enjoyed this, there will 100% be a part 2, just to be clear. I'm really enjoying this story :)

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Actually I'm going to be Ash in this book.


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