Evil gone Good (2)

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Stress dragged me all over the shopping district, explaining all of the shops.

"And lastly, a sea pickle shop! I'd recommend not going in there because there's no way out." 

I smiled, all of these new Minecraft features baffled me. 

Next, she took me to the edge of the water.

"Whoa…" I said, taken aback by all of the life in the Minecraft oceans.

"1.13 hits you hard doesn't it love?" She asked, placing a boat and getting in.

"Like a sledgehammer," I replied, getting into the boat behind her. She gave me a weird look but started rowing.

"Have you ever been hit by a sledgehammer?" She asked.


Stress showed me all the bases that were in the water and around the island, including her and Iskall's bases in the iceberg, all of them were so well built and left me speechless, so Stress talked a lot.

"Alright." Stress said, parking the boat and getting out, "Now maybe we should try and talk to some people." 

I nodded, getting out of the boat. 

"Who first?" I asked.

"Whoever we find first." Stress replied. "Come on."

We wandered around the shopping district for a while, looking for a hermit to talk to, eventually, we found Falsesymmetry at the Concorp 'Sad Coral' shop.

"Hey! Falsey love! I need to talk to you!" Stress called, getting her attention. She ran over, and then stepped back and pulled out her sword when she saw me, I hid slightly behind Stress, this girl was formidable with her reactions. 

"Uh, Stress? Why is EX here?" False asked.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, he wants to be good, I've been helping him, I wanted him to talk to some people." Stress said.

"Oh! Um, ok?" False said, relaxing her stance and putting away her sword. I let out a breath of relief, I thought she might kill me. 

"I support you EX! If you need a friend I'll be at my base!" False said, flying off. 

"That went well." Stress commented.

"I didn't say anything," I said.

"Yeah, but she knows what's up now." 


We spent the rest of the day talking to the rest of the hermits, most were easy enough to convince that I was trying to be good now and some were harder, (like Impulse, whose base I blew up last season (disclaimer: I haven't watched season 5 so IDK if this actually happened or not)) but I think it went quite well. 

We got out of our boat at the shopping district, Grian was the last hermit that we needed to talk too so we had arranged to meet him at the Tango and Cub statues. 

“Hey, Grian!” Stress called, noticing him coming up to us.

"Hey, stress! What did you- hey wait! You're the dude that Mumbo told me was spying on me earlier!" Grian said

I was confused, what? Then I remembered what happened at the cart earlier.

"Spying?" I said, "I wasn't spying! I was going to try and talk to you when MumboJumbo dragged you away!" 

"Oh, but he said you're evil and that you'd try and blow up my stuff…" 

"Grian! This is Evil Xisuma, but he's… not evil, anymore." Stress said, "he's trying to be good now." 

"Who's trying to be good what?" Asked an all too familiar voice.

"Oh no," I said as Xisuma walked over to us.

"EX? What are you doing here?" He said.

"Oh! Xisuma! He's been trying to be good! I've been helping!" Stress said happily.

"He's been trying to be good? And you all believe that?" X said, looking between Grian and Stress.

"Uh, yeah?" Grian said.

"Why shouldn't we?" Asked Stress.

"Because! He's Evil! It literally says it in his name!" X said.

I looked back and forth as my new friends and my brother argued back and forth about why I should or shouldn't be trusted, eventually, it got too loud and hard to just listen to without doing anything.

"Shut up! All of you!" I shouted, all three of them fell silent instantly and looked at me and I suddenly felt embarrassed, I was glad I had my helmet on so that the couldn't see much of the expression on my face.

"I'll just go back into my stupid hole ok?!" I said, "I just wanted friends! Someone to talk to! Not a stupid, petty argument!" I ran off back in the direction of my cave as fast as I could go.

As soon as I got to the floor of my cave I slumped against the wall. I took off my helmet and cried into my knees.

Stress's POV

Me, Grian and X stood in silence, looking off in the direction that EX had done.

"Why did you do that?" Grian asked X.

"Trust me, the server is better off without him," X said. This was a new side to him that I'd never seen before.

"Don't you see X? He's really trying, I've been with him all day! The most evil thing he's done is talk about how it would be cool to use Grian's moustache machine!" I yelled.

"Someone wants to use my machine?" Said Grian, "Aha! So it's not just me!" 

"Not the time Grian." X said, "Maybe- maybe I was too harsh?" 

I nodded, "Maybe you should talk to him.." I suggested.

"Yeah… I'll do that…" 

Xisuma's POV.

I headed down the river to EX's cave entrance, I was the only hermit who knew it's exact location, I looked through the entrance but it was pretty dark and I couldn't see much.

"EX? Are you here?" I called to no reply. 

I stepped into the cave, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw how huge the cave was, I made my way carefully down the messy stone staircase which EX must have dug to get out, I was very close to the bottom when I tripped over something and fell onto my chest on the floor, I pushed myself up, mostly unharmed and turned to see what I had tripped over.

So uhh...
I honestly thought no-one would read this...

Then I get 15 reads in like the first few hours of posting ??

Thank you guys :)

(I'm posting this now cuz, I'm bored and EX doesn't get enough appreciation)


Word count: 1016

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