Day 22: family visiting

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Hmmm.. yeah. So, in the oneshot, Scar's parents are homophobic… that's all you need to know for this. Help me...


"Shouldn't you be happy your parents are visiting?" Cub asked Scar, his boyfriend, who was pacing back and forth in the main room of Cub's base, he was upset and worried about his parents visiting, but Cub didn't have any idea why.
"I-I should be… b-but-" Scar said, "I'm not-"

Scar was interrupted by a knock at the door. Cub went to open it.
"Hello sir!" Said a female voice, "We were told that Scar would be here? Is he?"
Cub turned to look at Scar, who wiped his face with his hands before replacing his worried frown with a big, forced, smile.
"Hi mum." He said, coming over to stand by Cub, "Hey dad."
"Hey Scar's parents!" Cub said, "
"You guys remember Cub right?" Scar said.
"Scar's b-"
"My best friend.* Scar said, interrupting Cub before he could say the word boyfriend.
"That's lovely Scar!" His mum said, laughing, "I thought for a second he was going to say boyfriend! Haha."
"That's-" Cub said,
"Absolutely ridiculous! Why would you even think that!" Scar had visibly paled in his face and he looked incredibly nervous.
"Well umm… why don't you come in?" Cub asked, trying to relieve the tension.

Scar's parents came into the house and the four if the sat down at a makeshift table and they were trying to all have a good conversation, but Scar's unease and Cub's awkwardness was slightly off-putting.
"So anything interesting happen this year?" Scar's mum asked him.
"Oh umm… our company is going well, we're both quite rich now… umm… we also have a rival, Sahara…" Scar tried to think of anything to say other than Cub asking him to be boyfriends, when Scar's dad asked him the worst question he thought possible right now.
"So Scar, have you got a Girlfriend yet?" Scar's dad asked, nudging Scar across the table, "That el go seemed pretty nice when we met her last year-"
"No dad. I don't have a girlfriend. And I never will." Scar said. He glanced at Cub, who was looking down at the table.
"Aw sure you will honey!" Scar's mum said, "what a handsome man like yourself, surely all the girls are falling at your feet-"
"Mum! Stop ok? I don't want a girlfriend! Besides-" scar said.
"Besides?" Scar's dad questioned.
"i-I have a boyfriend…" scar muttered.

And what followed were screams of anger from Scars mum that could probably be heard all the way at Grian's base.

"What's wrong with you!?" Scar's mum yelled at him "We don't want some sort of freak for a son! I thought we raised you better than this!"
"Don't worry, it's just a phase anyway, we can have him get therapy-" his dad said.

Cub stood up from the table, looking like he might explode from anger, Scar cowered in his chair as his parents yelled about him being a disappointment to the family and such.

"There is nothing wrong with Scar!" Cub yelled, silencing Scar's parents, "He's an amazing human being! The only people in the wrong here are you! Being gay isn't a bad thing! And it isn't a f***ing phase!"
Scar flinched when he heard Cub swear, he knew Cub only cursed when he was really angry.
"I'm leaving. Come on." Scar's mum said, "I don't want to be surrounded by you gay freaks any longer!"
"I don't want to hear from you until you've fixed yourself Scar. Got it?" Scar's dad said before following his wife out if the door. Which was slammed behind him.

Scar burst into tears that he had been trying to hold back since the argument started. He covered his face with his hands as Cub ran over and hugged him.
"I'm sorry I lost my temper Scar, I know how much you hate shouting-" cub said, pulling a chair up close to him and sitting down, rubbing Scar's back comfortingly.
"T-thank you Cub… f-for st-standing up for m-me." Scar said through the tears.
"I'll always stand up for you…" Cub said, "come on… I made a cake earlier."
I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone for turning a happy Christmas prompt into…. This.

I hope you enjoyed this angsty thing.


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