Class Fight pt 2

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Scar Grian and Keralis arrived back at the nurse’s office, this time accompanied by Bdubs and Mumbo,
“Whot’s this? Some sor’a hospi’al par’y?” The nurse asked, rolling her eyes.
“We are visiting the sick patients!” Grian said, smiling.
“O’course you are, love, get in.” The nurse said, ushering the five inside,

“Ok, guys, I had this great idea of how we can sort this out once and for all.” Grian said, sanding at the front of the group.
“Should we really be talking about this in the nurse's office?” Cub asked.
“Iskall can’t leave until his parents come to take him to hospital, so yes.” Grian said, Cub nodded,
“I feel so weak and vulnerable!” iskall yelled dramatically.
“Oh shut up.” Mumbo said, “You melodramatic fool!”
“Let Grian speak.” Scar said, from his seat next to Cub.

“Right, so this is my amazing idea.” Grian said.
“I’m scared.” Mumbo said.
“Shuddup mumbo! So, what if we all do a bake sale, and whoever raises the most money is the best!”
“Cake is good, I like that idea.” Scar said.
“We can make cake! It’ll be fun.” Keralis said, “Shiswami, bubbles! You can come to my house and we can make all the cake!"
“Ooh! Cub! You have a big house right? We can have a cake making sleepover!” Scar said, sounding excited.
"Oh you're on!" Iskall said with a smirk, “We’re going to win!”

(one week later)

Three tables were set up in the hall, all three were covered with cake, one table, hung with a concorp banner, was covered in neatly decorated cakes of all shapes, types and sizes, the pair had spent the last few days making as much cake as they could manage, so they’d have enough to sell.

The Architechs’ table was organised chaos, there was a large chocolate cake, a large box of cupcakes that looked like they were decorated by three people fighting over the icing bags, there were other smaller treats, each decorated to equal quality, all of them chaotic and messy.
The IDEA boys had stayed up working all night on their cakes, Bdubs was asleep on a chair behind their table, having not gotten his night’s sleep last night, but their lack of sleep had produced lots of cake, all nicely decorated with their yellow and blue colours and looking delicious.

When the lunch hour began, people flocked into the hall, mainly crowding around the Concorp table, since they were already well known for their cake, however, after some aggressive marketing from Grian (throwing paper aeroplanes and threatening people with chemicals he pretended he’d stolen from the chemistry lab) the students began buying cake at the other two tables as well.


After lunch had ended and all the cake had been sold, the three groups stayed to pack everything up, as instructed by the teachers, and of course, they needed to see who'd won the challenge.

The three groups counted up all the money they’d earned from the sale, concorp were first to finish.

“We got $26.20.” Cub said, placing the money they’d counted out back into the box.

“Really? Surely theres a mistake-” Grian said, quickly counting their money again.
“What?” Iskall asked, looking at Grian worridly.
“We’ve got the same as them!” Grian said, looking over at Scar and Cub with a surprised expression.

“That was $26.20, right?” Xisuma asked, looking at the others for confirmation.

“Yep!” Scar said with a smile.

“We’ve got the same as well-” X said, looking at Keralis and the sleeping Bdubs.

“I guess that means that we’re all equal then!” Mumbo said with a smile, “No-one here is better than anyone else!”

“Yay!” Scar cheered, “Now we dont have to fight anymore!”

Grian smiled, looking around the others, “We should all hang out sometime!”

“Sometime, yes, but now we have to get to class.” X said, putting the money away and heading towards the door, the rest of the group following after them.

Class Fight pt 2 uwu

the beginning of the mega dump :3

hope you enjoyed


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