Evil gone Good (4)

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-set two months after the other chapters

EX had decided not to build a giant base like most of the other hermits. He had settled for a small cottage above where his cave was.

He was eating one of Stress's cookies (She brought a box for him every week with no fails) from the stack on his table when there was a loud knock on his door, He muttered nonsense as he put his helmet back on and went to open the door.

"Go away you- Oh Stress, sorry come in," EX said, inviting her in.

"Hey EX love!" Stress said,

"Why are you here? Are you delivering cookies early?" EX asked. He didn't get visitors often.

"Can't I visit my friend?" Stress laughed, "No cookies, unfortunately. I just had a thought and wanted to ask you."

"What would you need to ask me about?"

"I just thought, Is Evil Xisuma your actual name?" She asked.

EX was stunned, he had never been asked something like that before and he hadn't really ever thought about it.

"Yeah, it is, why?" He replied.

"It's just... not exactly normal to name your child the same as their brother with 'Evil' on the front." Stress said.

"Yeah well, we're identical, except..." EX trailed off, he had never shown anyone his eyes before, they were the reason that he was called EX by his parents and no-one had ever seen them other than his family.

"Except what?" Stress asked.

"Except for my eyes," EX said quietly.

"What about your eyes?" Stress asked again, Although she was EX's friend, he hated how persistent she was, EX sighed, he took his helmet and pulled it off of his head. Hesitantly he looked up at Stress, who just stared.

"See what I mean?" He said sadly.

Stress stood up and walked around the table. She leaned over EX's chair and hugged him from behind.

"You silly, having red eyes isn't and never will be a bad thing love!" She said, laughing, "Plus, you aren't the only one, Tango has red eyes too."

"Tango's a demon. That's different." EX said grumpily, determined to make this difficult for Stress.

Stress sighed, "The point is, Tango isn't evil, even though he's and demon and has red eyes, and neither are you!"

"If you say so," EX said, taking the cookie he was eating earlier and taking a bite out of it.

"Do you live on my cookies?" Stress asked, her arms were still around EX's shoulders but now she was just watching him.

"Maybe," EX replied.

Guys, the abbreviation of this short story thingy is 'EGG' So this is what I'm referring to if I mentioned 'EGG' in a note like this

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