A new season

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A new season! And a messed up phone keyboard! YAY!

Here we go!

The hermits, the alter egos and everyone else involved were gathered around the portal that would take most of the group to season 7.

This was an exciting time, the hermits were all excited for a new world, new plans, new games, New friends and new projects, but of course, they were sad to say goodbye to this world, and the Alters who weren't going with them.

EX stood at the edge of the group, he was going to S7 whether his brother wanted him or not. Most of the Grian’s stood together, none of them would be going.

Badtimes hugged AngryEyes and Jangler in turn before going off to stand with the other group who would be  going to season 7, As Goodtimes’ cameraman, he would be needed in S7,

Truesymmetry stood next to Falsesymmetry, waiting for the portal to be opened while her twin sister said goodbye to everyone, she wasn’t exactly the most social, so she felt comfortable standing and watching.

Renbob, Hippie-Grian and Hippie-Impulse stood together, handing out flower crowns to everyone as a goodbye gift,


Once Xisuma finally lit the portal it was evening, everyone could see the sun setting over the shops in the shopping district, it was a beautiful scene, The hermits and everyone else who was leaving to season seven stood near the portal, the similar sized group of alters who were staying stood opposite them.

“So uh, this has been a great season guys, im sure we’re all sad to see it go, but season 6finity, as it is known to some people, can’t go on forever.” Xisuma said, “Staying in this world are the alters, minus a few, but the group needs an admin, to take care of you all,”

The hermits looked surprised as a whole, none of them had really thought about it, but there would need to be an admin to take care of the alters and stop them from destroying the world, now was just the question of who.
“Who’s gonna be the admin?” Grian called out from the crowd,
“Yeah! Who?” Scar asked from next to him.

X walked into the space between the group, looking over the alters,
“Poultry Man,” He said, poultry looked surprised, Grian looked smugly at Scar, “And Captain Angryeyes.”
Scar looked back at Grian with the same expression, Grian looked as surprised at Captain AngryEyes did.
“WHy me?” He asked, “And why two of us?”
“You two are both self proclaimed protectors of the server, I felt you were both best for it, together, but if you don't want to-”
“YEs! Yes I want to!” Angryeyes said, poultry man nodded and they both stepped forward while X pulled up a holographic screen,

Everyone cheered as X tapped a few buttons on the screen, a bright light appeared and cleared in a matter of seconds, then everything was normal again.
“You two are admins now, use the power wisely, don’t kill anyone, dont lock anyone up, and if i come back to see this world destroyed you two will be in a lot of trouble.

AngryEyes soluted while PoultryMan did an awkward bow before going back to their group as the hermits turned to the portal.

“Bye you guys,” X said, walking up to the portal, ready to walk through.
“FIRST!” Grian yelled, jumping through the portal in front of Xisuma,
“Second!” Scar said, running after him,
“Oh uh- ok!” X said, as Ren ran past him, yelling “Third!”
Each hermit caught on, False running through yelling “fourth” and the others following. Xisuma got fifth, Doc got Sixth just before cub who got Seventh.

Eventually there was only one hermit, who had shown up late, of course, Mumbo gave a shrug and walked through the portal, a last wave to the alters, saying “Twentieth i guess.” just before he disappeared.


Ree! I'm excited! I have began watching S7 now and I already have an idea! :P

I'm going to keep a report on which hermits I actually manage to keep up with watching.

So far:

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