I don't want to hurt them... (part 2)

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So I have no idea why how or when this happened, but OMG this book got to 1.3k reads?

Like how?

I'm glad you guys like my stuff I guess!

Thank you all so much :)

"How would you hurt us?* Doc asked, genuinely curious, Grian sighed and looked at the ground.

"I guess I should explain, because you're here." Grian looked up around, and them gestured to the corrupted land, "I guess I owe you at least an explanation for this mess I made." 

"You did this?" 

"Y-yeah," Grian said, "Let me explain.


About an hour later Grian had finally finished talking, about Evo, the Watchers, his new magic, everything.

"Woah…* Doc said, when Grian finished, "So, are you able to control the magic?" 

Grian shook his head, "Not yet, it's what I'm working on, I'm just afraid… Afraid I'll hurt someone…" 

"You won't hurt anyone." Doc said, "Because I'm going to help you control your magic." 

"W-what?" Grian asked, "What about you?" 

"I'll be fine." Doc said, smiling.

"Thank you Doc." Grian said, 


Two weeks later, Grian and Doc were taking the long flight back to the old lands. Doc had managed to retrieve a pair of Grian's normal clothes, so Grian looked entirely normal, other than his wing colour and the mask, they couldn't find a way to hide it.

"We're almost there," Doc said, "Are you ready?" 

Grian nodded and started flying down, 


Doc and Grian landed in the shopping district.

“Grian! Doc!” Someone yelled, running over followed by some other hermits.

“X! Stress!” Grian said.

“Hey guys!” Doc said, hugging Ren (Ren initiated the hug)

“Dude what’s with the mask?” Ren asked Grian.

“Oh, uhh, I accidentally put it on and it has curse of binding.” Grian said.

“Makes sense.” Said Ren.

“Everyone was worried sick about you Grian.” Said X, “Where were you?”

“Eh, I was just exploring the world, I left a note. Anyway, should we go and let everyone else know that we’re back Doc?” Grian said.

“Yeah sure, come on.”


After a long day of talking to all the hermits, who were all happy to see him, Grian curled up back in his bed in his base. He snuggled into the duvet, happy to be back again.

The next morning he woke up to his communicator buzzing, he looked to see that Iskall was messaging on the Architech group chat.

Iskall > Sahara meeting, Urgant.

Mumbo > Coming!

Grian > What’s this about?

Iskall > Just come!

Grian easily took off and flew to the shopping district, approaching the huge Sahara building he smiled, he missed the sight. Grian swooped into the meeting room to find Iskall and Mumbo already there. Iskall was in Grian’s chair, and Mumbo was in Iskall’s, leaving the button.

“Dude you’re in my chair.” Grian said.

“Not anymore,” Iskall said, “You’ve missed out on some stuff man, not being here for three weeks.”

“And you know what happens when you don’t come to meetings Grian?” Mumbo said, “You get demoted. Now sit on your button.”

“W-what? B-but I-”

“Grian, you’ve been missing, you didn’t even tell us where you were going.” Iskall said.

“We had to open Sahara Now without you.” Mumbo said.

“Wait! But I- It was really important!” Grian said.

“So important that you can’t even tell your best friends Grian?” Iskall said, “Mumbo was distraught when you left, he blamed himself, thought it was his fault because of a bad dream you had.”

“I should have stayed, made sure you were ok-” Mumbo said.

“Wait but it wasn’t the dream! That’s not why I left! It was-” Grian said, stopping himself before he said too much.

“It was what, grian?” Mumbo asked.

“I-I can’t tell you.” Grian said, “It’s for your own good.”

“For our own good?” Iskall said, “It would be for our own good that you tell us why you abandoned us!”

“B-better to abandon you than kill you…” Grian mumbled.

“What was that?” Mumbo asked.

“I said, It’s better to abandon you than kill you!” Grian yelled, angry and upset, why wouldn’t they just leave him alone with his secrets!

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Iskall said.

“It means what i said!” Grian yelled, trying to control his anger, he remembered what Doc had told him, too much strong emotion will cause his powers to get out of hand.

“But why would you kill us?" Mumbo said, "That makes no sense.”

“Why can’t you just leave me alone!” Grian yelled, there were noticeable purple sparks flying around him and the air directly around him felt static and crackly, as if you could almost take it in your hands and snap it.

“Woah dude!” Iskall said, “What’s going on is this to do with why you were gone?”

“I said leave me alone!” Grian shouted, “Everyone is allowed to have secrets!”

“You shouldn’t keep secrets from us Grian.” Mumbo said, calmly, watching Grian. Grian’s face was twisted in anger and sadness, his wings were slightly outstretched in a defensive way and his hands were raised, the purple sparks were more concentrated around Grian’s hands., “We just want to help.”

"Don't you get it!?" Grian yelled at his two best friends, "I don't want your help!" 

Part 3 coming soon!

I hope you liked this, I always have trouble writing arguments, I hope I did ok :)

Thanks again for 1k reads!



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