Hide and Seek pt4

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(A week later)

Cub changed Scar's bandages again, his cuts and bruises were healing nicely, soon he would be able to help out with things properly.
"Yea?" Cub replied, taking a sword he had made out of a chest.
"I need to go back to the mansion…"
"What!? Why?" Cub put the sword down and went over to Scar, sitting next to him on the floor.
"When I was running I… I dropped my sword… it's the only thing I have left of my family… I want to get it back." Scar said, looking at the floor.
"We can't go back there Scar, you barely escaped with your life-"
"Please Cub?" Scar begged, looking at him with puppy eyes
Cub thought for a few long moments before nodding, "Fine. But only when you're healed and as long as I can come with you."
"Thank you Cub… you're the best."
"Yes, I know." Cub said, earning a playful slap on the arm from Scar.
“You’re supposed to say thank you.” Scar said, pouting.
“But where’s the fun in that?”

(Another week later)

Scar was now fully healed, thanks to Cub, and, as promised, they were slowly making their way through the forest towards the large mansion, which wasn't too far.

"Alright," Cub said as they stood on the stone steps, "We need to stick together and watch out for each other,"
Scar nodded, understanding, "Let's go.*

The mansion was just as Scar remembered from two weeks ago, dark and dusty and just as terrifying, they headed straight to the second floor, and began to look cautiously through each room systematically.

(An hour later)

The two stood at the top of the staircase, they hadn't found anything after two sweeps of the floor where scar knew he had dropped the sword.

"It's not here! How is it not here!? I know I dropped it-" Scar said for the third time, Cub put his hands reassuringly on Scar's shoulders. 
"Hey, it's ok, we'll find it, I promise, let's look upstairs." Cub said, gesturing to the smaller staircase leading to the third floor.

Scar nodded and followed Cub up the carpeted staircase which creaked and released a cloud of dust  with every step, at the top they turned to each other.

“Any idea what’s up here?” Scar asked Cub, looking over the dark hallways, his hands were shaking, he felt like something was watching him.
“No, we should take a look around, see if we can find it.”

Scar nodded as they took the first few steps up into the corridor, the looked into a few of the rooms, the first few were empty, mostly bedrooms, covered in dust and cobwebs.

Finally they came into a room with a large table in the centre, a lit lantern hung from the ceiling, casting a faint golden glow across the room, the objects on the table sparkled in the faint light, all of them were a shade of blue, Scar could make out Aquamarine gems, Sapphires, diamonds, blue crystals that seemed to emit their own light, and there on top of the pile was his diamond sword, shining in the light, reflecting it in shades of blue around the room.

“There it is!” Scar said, forgetting his fear for a second, pointing to the sword.
“Go grab it, quickly, so we can get out of here-” Cub said. Scar ran forward and took the sword from the pile and turned back, he saw Cub stood in a fighting stance, facing the door, his stone sword drawn.

“What is it?” Scar asked quietly, standing next to his friend.
“I thought i heard something, come on, lets go-” Cub was interrupted by a cackle echoing through the hallways, scar tensed, he knew the sound, he heard a loud swoosh, and four vexes appeared, one blocking their exit and the others surrounding them. 

Two men stood in the doorway now, both wearing black robes with a gold trim, the last thing Scar saw was them both raise their hands before he blacked out.


Sorry this took so long for me to post,

Hope you enjoyed!


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