Day 7: Christmas Sweaters

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-idk what this was, I just like Grian's alter egos :)-

Tailor Grian was sat in the aviary surrounded by many Christians jumpers. As one of Grian's many, many alter egos, he was mostly forgotten about, but he wanted to do something nice for everyone anyway.

He put the last touch on the 27th sweater, twenty-two for the hermits, and five extra special ones.  

Finally… Tailor thought, putting all the jumpers in a shulker box, and flying out of Grian's base. First he headed to Mumbo's base. 

He left a chest with the sweater, a red jumper with a Father Christmas, but with Mumbo's moustache, and a note saying "From Tailor <3" 

Next, he went to the volcano base. He left another chest, with a blue sweater, this one had a Vex design with a Santa hat, he left the same message. 

He left one in Cleo's ship, at Iskall's base, at Stress's castle. He left one at Concorp, for Cub which was the same as Scar's, he went around every hermit's base, leaving each of them a jumper.

He landed in Grian's base and put down a chest, with a sweater which had a TNT design, with some snowflakes and other Christmas motifs. He left a note, like everyone else. 

He smiled, now he only had seven sweaters left to give. He found a spare trident in one of Grian's chests and repeatedly threw it at the ground until a block was pulled out of the way, which took about five minutes. He jumped down into the hole and landed in an egg. 

"Poultry?" Tailor asked, the man in the chicken mask turned around.
"Tailor? Oh hi!" Poultry said, "What are you doing here this fine evening?"
"I had a present for you." Tailor said, handing him the package, "open it." 
Poultry took the present and unwrapped it carefully, revealing a red jumper with a Father Cluckmas (a chicken Santa) design. Poultry man smiled.
"Thank you Tailor! I love it." He said, putting it on, Tailor smiled.
"I'm glad." He said, "Now I gotta go, lots more jumpers to give!" 

Tailor flew out of the poultry cave and into the shopping district, towards Sahara. Where Arianna Griande and Salesman lived, he flew into the "Hermit news" Room.

"Ariana? Salesman?" Tailor called, placing down a shulker box and taking out two packages. 
"Tailor?" Said a female.
"Ariana!" Tailor said happily, "And Salesman! I have presents for you guys!" He handed them the packages and they opened them quickly.
"This is beautiful!" Ariana said, holding up a purple jumper which had musical notes, each with a Christmas hat, snowflakes and stars all over it.
"I love it." Salesman said, laughing, his jumper had a door with a Christmas wreath and a giant bow tie. 
Tailor smiled, "Glad you like them! See you guys later!" 
"Bye!" Arianna called as Tailor flew away, towards the edge of the shopping district, where a certain detective lived.

He arrived at 221g Baker Street and rang the doorbell, smiling at the familiar tune. He dropped through the floor and was shot up to Sherlock's office. 

"I thought I might see you today." Said Sherlock, who was sitting at his desk.
"You did?" Tailor asked, he was slightly confused, how did Sherlock know he was coming? 
"Yes, you see, Poultry came here earlier and was bragging about a jumper that you made him," Sherlock said, "And he said that you said that you had more to give, which leads me to presume that you'd come here and give me a jumper as well."
Tailor was flabbergasted, and somewhat annoyed, he'd wanted it to be a surprise, but he should have guessed that Sherlock would know what was going on, that's why he wasn't the detective.
"Well here then." Tailor said, handing Sherlock the package, "I hope it lives up to what you expected." 
"I'm… sorry?" Sherlock said, obviously noticing his tone, "I guess you probably wanted it to be a surprise for me… I shouldn't have said anything." 
"Don't worry about it.* Tailor said, "You can't help it, your Sherlock Grian, now open it!" 
Sherlock nodded, investigating the package, before opening it, pulling out a green jumper with a christmassified magnifying glass.
"Thank you Tailor, it's amazing I love it." Sherlock said, "Again, I'm sorry for ruining the surprise…"
"I'm glad you like it, and no worries," Tailor said, "now I have to go to the hippie commune, see ya Sherlock!" 
Sherlock waved as Tailor flew up out of the window, towards the nether portal at the centre of the district. 

Tailor landed in the centre of the hippie commune, startling Hippie Grian. 
"Hey! Get out of here Area 77- Oh wait Tailor it's you, sorry." Hippie Grian said.
Tailor laughed, "yup, just me, I have something for you." He held out the package towards hippie Grian, who took it cautiously.
"Is this paper biodegradable?" Hippie Grian asked.
Hippie Grian unwrapped the package, holding up the sweater, which had brightly coloured flowers, all with little happy faces and Christmas hats.
"It's so pretty!" Hippie Grian said excitedly, before returning slightly serious, "what is it made of, was it ethically sourced and did it cause any global warming?"
Tailor felt slightly overwhelmed with questions, but answered anyway"Wool, yes and no." 
"Ok, I love it!" He said, "thank you!" 
"No problem! No I gotta go back to Grian's base and sleep… this is tiring." Tailor said.
"Oh! You can stay here if you want! Me and Renbob are going snooping tonight so you can stay in my RV." Hippie Grian said with a huge smile.
"Well, I guess I'll stay here then, Thank you." Tailor said to Hippie Grian, "Say merry Christmas to everyone from me!" 
"I will!" Hippie Grian said before flying off towards False's village. 

I think this is better than yesterday :) it's definitely longer at least.

Sorry it's an hour and 25 minutes late but at least it's decent!

I hope you enjoyed!


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