Starting a Tag because I freaking can!

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Hello! I'm starting a Tag, because I can! And you can't stop me!

Unless you don't do the tag...

And it just stops here...

And it doesn't do anything ...

Please do my tag :)

Moving on!

The Hermitcraft Tag of 2019

1: If you could, which three hermits would you meet irl?
That's hard, definitely Grian, maybe Scar and Iskall as well :)

2: What would be your perfect scenario/situation to meet one/more of the hermits irl?.
Oof, my perfect scenario would probably be something like being stuck on a 5 hour flight, where there's no other free seats, sat between Grian and Scar. Only to get wherever it is I'm going to realise that I'm staying in the same hotel as like the whole gang. Wishful thinking much? XD

3: What's your favourite Demise death so far?
Ren's. 100% it made me laugh so much! But Scar is a close second because of the scare factor XD

4: Jellie, Maui or Pearl?
Why? Why do I do this to myself...i-i guess Jellie? I'm sorry I love you allll!!!!

5: Which hermits do you watch?
Grian, Scar and Doc mostly, but I sometimes watch random videos from other hermits because I can.

6: who's your favourite hermitcraft alter ego? (EX, poultry man etc)
Ex! He such an adorable cinnamon roll! But I think poultry man is probably close second.

7: who's your favourite hermit to write?
EX, if that doesn't count, the Convex guys, if that doesn't count then just Scar.

8: what's your favourite big event of season 6 so far?
The civil war I think it was just so hilarious, especially with Mumbo being a spoony spoon XD. (BANANAS! BANANAS!)

9: what's your favourite hermitcraft song? (Generally, anything that's a song to do with hermitcraft, it's included)
Another hard one! I guess if have to say Hermitgang, closely followed by Mumbo AFK.

10: Who's your favourite hermit?
Aww this is really hard! I guess Grian but Scar's awesome too! Either Grian or Scar but all of them are awesome.

Now Tag 10 people!


Pls do the tag :)

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