Day 19: Candy Canes

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Ren had a large box of mini candy canes, which he was going through the same way someone might go through a pack of smarties, very quickly.

He had been finding different hermits all day and was showing them all a trick he had perfected, where he threw a candy cane and caught it in his mouth.

"Hey Iskall!" Ren called, running over to the Swede, "Do you wanna see a trick?"
Iskall turned around, his arms folded but he has a small smirk on his face, "Go ahead." He said.

Ren took a candy cane and got ready to throw it. Isksl noticed what he was doing and tried to stop him.
"Wait! Ren! Don't! You'll-" Ren threw the candy cane and it missed, landing in his hair and getting instantly tangled there,
"-get it stuck…" Iskall finished with a sigh.
"AHH!" Ren said, "no! Get it off!"
Ren shook his head frantically, trying to free himself from the candy cane only ending up getting it more tangled in his hair.

"Ren, Ren! REN!" Iskall yelled, Ren stopped shaking his head and looked at Iskall, "Stop moving! It'll only make it worse."
"Then what do I do!" Ren said.
"Alright, I'm going to try and untangle it." Iskall said, stepping forward.

He tried slowly to untangle the candy cane so be didn't get it more stuck but it was already too tangled and he didn't ever manage to free it at all. Time for plan B.
"Ok, that didn't work." Iskall said.
"What now!?" Ren whimpered.
"I have a plan, but you aren't going to like it.* Iskall said, "but I think it might be the only way."
"Do what you must!" Ren said, "I wanna be free!*
"Ok then." Iskall said.

Iskall pulled out his sword, Ren looked slightly scared as Iskall started cutting the candy cane out of Ren's hair.
"Please don't move Ren." Iskall muttered, *I don't wanna cut you."
"I won't." Ren whispered, managing to barely move at all.
"It's at these moments that I really wish I had a smaller blade." Iskall said, mainly thinking out loud as he cut the final piece of hair and the candy cane came free.
"Oh thank goodness." Ren said, "thank you Iskall!"
"No problem dude." Iskall said, putting the sword away.
"Byee!" Ren ran off with the candy canes giving Iskall a wave.
"Be careful with those candy canes!" Iskall yelled. He smiled, what are we going to do with him?

Haha, if you can't tell, I didn't have an idea again XD, This is interesting like all my other ones I guess XD.

I hope you enjoyed!


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