sixty six

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"See it wasn't that bad! My parents like you, especially my mom!" Niall said happily, as they got back to Liam's place.

"Yeah I guess so, and they absolutely adored Aiden, even your dad." The older one replied, sitting down at the kitchen table. Aiden was already in bed, because they got home much later than they had planned. "So what are we going to do now?" Niall asked, leaning over Liam rapping his arms around his neck.

"What do you think about an relaxing bath? And then we should go to bed, both of us have to get up quite early tomorrow." Liam suggested.

Niall nodded. "I wonder why my parents let me sleep over here anyways. They just let me go with you." He giggled.

"Well you're old enough love, and I think they know that I take good care of you." The older said, getting up. "On that topic- would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow? I'll get you from school and take you out, if you want to?"

Niall bit his lip, grinning, as he nodded quickly. "Yeah that sounds beautiful." He mumbled. "Does Aiden come with us?"

Liam shook his head. "My dad will get him, and they will go to the toy store and do a movie day at my parents house. Trust me, he's gonna have an amazing day." He laughed.

"Alright, so what will we do then?" The younger one asked.

"Just wait and find out babe. I wanna spend some more time with just you. So it will only be the two of us."

Liam obviously had planned to ask something quite important as well, but he couldn't tell him that, at least not right now. 

"Okay, I'll wait then, I love to go on dates with you." He giggled and added: "Let's go upstairs now. I wanna choose an bath bomb."

"But not one of those which has glitter in them again. My bathtub was sparkly for almost a week!" Liam explained laughing, as he followed Niall upstairs.

The next morning came by faster then either of them would have wanted.

"C'mon love get up. We still need to get Aiden ready, he has a play date with Toby today."

Niall just murmured something not understandable. Moving deeper into all the pillows and his blanket.

"You need to lift up your head babe, I can't understand a single word." Liam replied, slowly pulling the blanket off Nialls body, to get him out of bed.

"Liam no, it's cold."

"Ni, I have to drop you off at school and Aiden is going to Toby's house from 8 till 10. Please get up for me. I fixed us breakfast." The father said, with a smile.

"Breakfast?" He asked, his eyes slowly looking up at his boyfriend, who was sitting in front of him, already dressed.

"Yes breakfast, just some toast with eggs. Or maybe cornflakes if you want. At least that's what Aiden is currently eating downstairs. And I want a kiss babe."

"Okay." Niall sighed. "But I need to brush my teeth first, I have morning breath."

"I don't care, just give me a kiss."

"Oh trust me you would regret that, now help me get up." Niall pouted, holding out his arms for Liam, who rolled his eyes, but pulled him up anyways. With a quick motion, Niall was sitting up in bed, his face right against Liams.

"Hi." Liam chuckled quietly, and Niall replied with a soft "Hello", before he completely got up.

Liam watched his boyfriend go to the bathroom, and smiled. He couldn't wait till Niall completely moved in with them.

"Mommy awake Dada?" Aiden asked, still munching on the cereal in his mouth, as Liam came back to the kitchen.

"Yes he is peanut, he will be down in a few minutes." Liam replied sitting down as well. "Is mommy staying here?" The boy asked again.

"No, little one. He's going to school after we dropped you off at Toby's place. And when Toby's mother takes you two to the kindergarten, you know that grandpa will come later today." He tried to explain. He already informed his son about that earlier today, but it was just a lot to take in. Especially because it was so different from his normal routine. Normally Liam was the one who brought Aiden, and he or Niall would get him in the afternoon.

"Bwut why?"

"Because I'm gonna take your beautiful momma out for a date." Liam said with a cheeky smile.

"A date? So gwonna kiss? And eat?" He asked interested, looking over to his dad.

"Yes, I'm gonna kiss him so many times peanut. I love giving your mommy kisses."

"Gonna get me a baby swister too? Or browther! Can ya ask NiNi? Pwlease!" The boy asked, his eyes wide in excitement all of a sudden. He really wanted someone to play with. And a kid in his group just became a big sister, so he was even more interested in that topic now.

Liam almost choked on the dry toast in his mouth as he heard his sons words.

Niall, who was on his way downstairs, started running down, as he heard Liam coughing.

"ARE YOU OKAY LI?" He yelled out, his voice full of worry, as he came into the kitchen as fast as he could.
Not a second later he stood behind Liam, softly tapping on his back.

"It's alright, t-thank you." Liam replied, with a little cough following right after.

"You're okay babe? What happened anyways?" Niall asked again, his hand now stroking through the older ones hair.

"I gwonna get a baby s-siwster from Momma and Daddy! Aiden exclaimed smiling, and Niall stopped his movements right away. Mouth wide open.
"What?" He asked confused and almost a bit scared. Why, you may ask. God he couldn't even explain that.

"Don't freak out love, it's just a misunderstanding. Aiden thought because I'm going to take you out tonight and because I'm going to kiss you... that- that also means that he's going to become a big brother." Liam said quietly with a small nervous smile playing on his lips.

That was a huge topic for both of them.  They both knew that they wanted to have more kids, even if they haven't actually discussed that topic yet. But they also knew that they don't want to have any just yet. It was too soon, Niall is still young.

"Bwut baby!" Aiden said with a pout on his lips.

"Not yet Aiden... I at least don't think so. I'm- I'm not pregnant." Niall replied quietly, looking at Liam, who nodded, and gave Niall a sweet smile, which calmed the younger one down immediately.

"You will get a sibling Aiden, one day. But not any time soon, alright?" Liam confessed, and the little boy nodded, still quite confused. So he won't get a baby sister or brother? How long does he need to wait? Can't they just go and get one today?

"Anyways, so do you want avocado on your toast as well love?" Liam said, getting up from the chair he was sitting on, clearly wanting to change the topic of the conversation.

"Uhm yeah that sounds amazing, do we have tomatoes as well?" Niall asked, getting himself a cup of tea ready.

"Yeah I think we do. Just sit down babe, and start eating your toast. I'm gonna bring you your raspberry tea and the avocado in less than 2 minutes. Just relax a bit before school."

Niall nodded with a small smile, and checked his phone while taking a first bite of his toast. Harry texted him something about what Louis surprised him with because of a anniversary and he also got a message from his mom. She was just checking up on him, asking when Liam and Aiden will visit for dinner again, which made Niall chuckle. He was so glad that his dad finally seemed to accept the fact that he has a boyfriend now and well- kid too? He knew his mom was supportive either way but his dad was a whole different story.


heyy babes :)
update a day later, because i wasn't feeling well yesterday + the chapter wasn't finished. hope ya like it.

also updated groupchat, so check that out as well! 🤍

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