forty four

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"This all tastes so fucking good!" Niall moaned, taking another bite of the hot food in front of him. Liam didn't even really heard what Niall said, he just was too focused on the breathtaking sound he made. Call him crazy, but he loved Nialls moans. Well and maybe it's been a while since he...- well did something, but still.

"God I can't wait for tomorrow..." Liam murmured just starring at Niall.

"Huh?" The younger mumbled confused.

"Ah nothing!" Liam replied quickly, cheeks red in embarrassment.

"No tell me, I wanna know!" Niall said.

Liam sighed. They were sitting in a restaurant, in front of the window a bit further away from all the other guests.

"Well-" he said but got a lot quieter before he kept talking. "I'm really excited to finally be extremely close to you tomorrow my love. I can't wait to be deep inside you, and let you feel all the pleasure you missed out on."

Nialls breath hitched. "I- äh...uhm." His face got burning red and he looked around nervously. Liam just laughed.
"Glad I told you, Mhh?"

Niall just shook his head, looking down.
"So not tonight, tomorrow, 100% sure?" He asked slowly.

Liams shrugged. "I mean- I thought that it would be really romantic tomorrow, maybe with a fire going downstairs and the amazing view on the lake... and I always thought it would be cool to have your first time somewhere that isn't in your bed at home." The man mumbled, stroking over Nialls cheek softly.

That clearly wasn't Nialls favorite topic to talk about, especially in a restaurant full of people.

"But if you wanna do it tonight that's fine with me too-"

"LIAM PSSSHT. Tomorrow is good, can we just please change the topic?" Niall mumbled embarrassed, but the older one slowly leaned over the table to press a short kiss on Nialls lips.

"My little shy baby." Liam murmured and Niall gave him a small smile.

The two kept eating their food, the romantic atmosphere kept going and many loving looks got shared, while their eyes were locked. As soon as they were finished, their personal waiter came back to take their, now empty, plates with him. Right after he left a waitress came with the desserts they ordered at the beginning.
"Cherry-Chocolate soft cake with caramel sauce for you two." She said, with a kind smile. But Niall noticed how her eyes were focused on Liam, who just gave her a short nod.
Nialls glance at her could definitely kill people, Liam had to hold back an amused chuckle. Someone's jealous.

"Come here my love." Liam mumbled in his ear, as he leaned over again.
The man pressed his lips under his ear, and softly licked the spot after it.

"L-Li!" Niall giggled, which made the man smile at him with the most loving look.

"I'm only yours, and you're mine." Liam murmured.

After they left the restaurant, they drove back home. But Liam took the long way, so they could spend some more time taking and listening to a few good songs. Liams Hand Not leaving the place on Nialls thigh.

"So what are we watching tonight?" Niall asked excited, while he pulled Liam on the couch.

"Whatever you want princess, it's your day." Liam replied as he took place behind Niall to have him between his legs. Niall cuddled against Liams tummy.

"Mhh, Fifty shades of grey?" Niall chuckled.

"Really?" The older one asked excited.

Niall was kind of taken aback by Liams unexpected reaction. "Uhm I actually was kidding... I guess, but if you really wanna watch it, we can?"

"I just was kinda shocked, I mean- you obviously know what those movies are about, so watching that with you would be really fun." Liam murmured the last part, which made me giggle. I know what he was one about. But he said himself, nothing's happening tonight.

"Well if that's what you're excited about we could also watch this one movie on Netflix... it's called 365 Days. I-I never watched it, b-but my friend Harry did with his boyfriend Louis... and he told me that it was- interesting to watch."

"That Sounds familiar to me.... isn't that similar to Fifty Shades of Grey? Are you in the mood to watch a movie like that, baby?" Liam mumbled, his hand going down to Nialls thigh where he grabbed it softly.

"M-Maybe? If you want too?" Niall said embarrassed. Could they watch a movie like that together? Wouldn't that be weird? What if he gets an erection? What would Liam say to that?
"But you know what? You probably don't wanna watch it, let's forget it..." Niall said fast while he hides his red face in Liams neck.

"Nah don't take your offer back! We are watching it, you got me all the excited about that know, let's search it on Netflix, alright?" The father said, already turning the TV on to look if he could find it.

"B-but it's...-it's a lot, I don't know if we should watch it..."

"C'mon my love it will be fun. Maybe we could- okay no forget it. Let's watch it, everything's gonna okay."

"Could do what?" Niall asked interested.
Liam looked down at him, unsure if he should really let Niall hear his thought out loud.

"Well- it was just a random thought, you totally don't need to agree, but we could make out? Like a bit more than we normally do..."

Niall giggled. "Does that mean we would need to be naked?"

"Not fully my love, I mean if u want to be completely naked, you sure can, I would love it." Liam mumbled with a little smirk on his lips.

"God that conversation is so weird. Can we stop talking about sexy stuff...?"

"Oh babe... you're adorable." Liam replied quietly, holding his boyfriend tightly.

"Can we just start watching? We will see how it goes, maybe we don't even like the movie. Just because Harry did doesn't mean I will do, we are really different." Niall explained. Couldn't really say that he was scared, because obviously Liam has seen him naked before. But he was definitely nervous. Like making out? Naked? Doing stuff ? Alone the thought made him go crazy. What if Liam will not like what they're gonna do? What if Niall wasn't good at the whole- what could he call it? - doing the dirty thing?

Okay that's Harry always called it jokingly, but that's basically what hat Liam meant, right?

"Of course darling, I don't wanna pressure you into anything. As I said it was just a thought, to maybe make it a bit easier for tomorrow, but we don't need to do anything tonight if you're not up for it." The older one explained calmly while he was softly touching Nialls hands.

Niall let out a short breath of relief, how did he deserve a man like Liam?
"Thank you for being so patient with me." Niall mumbled sweetly.

"That's nothing you need to thank me for love. Your well-being is the most important thing to me."

"Besides Aiden." Niall said with a small smile, when he thought about the little boy, who was probably already asleep at his grandparents house.

"Oh yeah my little peanut is sharing the first place with you."

And as soon as those words left Liams lips, Niall the most loving expression on his face. "Do you know how much I love you? Never in hundred years I would have believed that I met someone who's as perfect as you."

"Well I guess then you haven't met yourself yet, because believe me darling, your are by far the most amazing thing that ever happened to me and Aiden."

hii babes, i hope u
liked this chapter?
I'm definitely not happy with it, but I just finished it today oopsie
(as always, sorry for any
grammar mistakes) love ya 💛

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